Hot BF: Problems In Having A Hot Boyfriend

Whenever I write an article, I try to explain both sides or parties in a relationship, especially in the Dating and Relationship category. As in love, both partners are equally involved, and at Newsofx we believe in equality. We have a lot of articles on women like A Deep Dive Into “Every Single Girl’s Motivation” to Predict Her Behavior or How to destroy a woman’s ego? but what about when the girl is at a lower status than her Hot Bf.

It is common for men to settle where they find peace, no money, no beauty, no status, but peace.

I have seen very few women settling for a man lower than her status. But men, marry an illiterate girl and take care of her and his elder parents and kids and in many cases the wife’s parents also.

In this article, we will be in the woman’s shoes who has a hotter bf than her as an insecure partner drains the relationship. Her insecurities and all, as in this way the men reading this post can take care of it. Btw being hot is a subjective matter but I hope you understand what I mean.

[Note: This article is not intended to be a reference to all the girls but if it has hurt anyone’s feelings I am sorry for that.]

Suspicion of Cheating/Fear of Losing Their Partner

They fear losing their partner as they have an inferiority complex. They feel that if their partner gets a better option he may leave her. Their self-confidence goes down and their inferiority complex goes up. This is the main reason causing insecurity. Just think about men and what they must face as women are mostly in search of better which is named Hypergamy.


As there is a fear of losing, the girl with a hot bf tries to compete with the possible competitor who can be his boyfriend’s hot colleague. She may try to copy her. She may even try to control her Bf so that he doesn’t go anywhere else even if she doesn’t allow him to go to clubs with his male pals. She wants her boyfriend to be with her all the time controlling him.

Trust Issues

Trust is the most important thing in a relationship that breaks up due to insecurities. This causes the woman to constantly spy on her Bf be it checking his chats, call logs emails, etc. which is a red flag and will turn your life into no less than hell.

Other issues may include constant reassurance, making her partner know that he is below the pedestal on which she is sitting, and gaslighting.

Fixing The Problems With Hot Bf

According to me, just one thing that can fix the issue is:

Having Open Communication About It

The biggest problem today in society is we do not listen to understand rather we listen to reply/talk. According to me involving a third person especially a counsellor in your relationship is wasting/burning your money.

So, find the problem causing the insecurity and talk about it with your partner. If you involve others, be it a best friend or a counselor then they will make money from you or use that against you.

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