You must have heard of the slogans like “You Go Girl”, Girl Power, Girl’s Rule, I Can, The Future is Female, Girls Can Do Anything, etc., or adding one more out of many is “I’m a Strong Independent Woman” but isn’t it hypocritic from the women’s side as they apply feminism when convenient, Have you ever heard of this sentence or any of them in the court by a woman, They play the victim card to get the child support and alimony from the husband and the free government handouts. Today in this article we will discuss the hypocrisy of what a Wife says during an argument and what is in the courtroom.
Also Read: “I’m not a golddigger, I’m strong & independent. But,…”
[Note: This article is not intended to be a reference to all the girls but if it has hurt anyone’s feelings I am sorry for that.]
I am Capable To I am incapable
On the one hand, these women say that The Future is Female, etc and on the other, they become the victims of the the patriarchy. They say we are weak and have been oppressed from the past but the same woman out of the court becomes independent on the money her ex-husband which he pays as alimony and child support. This shows that these women want free stuff or money either from the government or anyone else. They literally are capable of anything.
I am Qualified To I can’t Work
Women say in court that I am weak and not qualified to work even though they are getting a decent job and higher salaries than their husbands because they have a habit of free money and government handouts. When a man works he uses his money to raise his kids elders and the family but when a woman earns it’s exclusively her money.
I can work to I can’t Work
These women can work pretty well but they don’t work as they get free child support, alimony, and government handouts even if they can but don’t work. Due to Many MNCs following Diversity laws, there is a greater reservation in jobs for women.
I don’t need Your Money To I am on the Verge of Starvation. So, I need his money
If you are a strong and independent woman that must be the same inside or outside the courtroom but inside the courtroom you are on the verge of starvation so you need his money.

I am Vivek Singh owner and publisher of I am a journalist by profession. I did my Bachelor’s in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University Jharkhand and my Master’s in the same from Central University of Jharkhand grabbing the gold medal.
I am a Men’s Rights Activist, International Men’s Day and World Day of the Boy Child India coordinator, and Global Media coordinator for both of these days.
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