As Paulina Porizkova said that “Nothing ages as poorly as a beautiful woman’s ego.” But what to do when she is young. You can’t wait for her to get old.

The female Ego is the worst Ego among all the Egos available in the universe.

Relationships never die a natural death. They are always murdered by attitude, behavior, Ego, or ignorance. Here is a guide on how to destroy a woman’s ego:

[Note: This article is not intended to be a reference to all the girls but if it has hurt anyone’s feelings I am sorry for that.]

1. Treat her like an option.

A few things which can be followed are to stop initiating communication if they are not doing it, be scarce, and not be available for her all the time.

2. Ask for her friend’s social media.

Women like competition so asking her for her friend’s social media will show that you are interested in other girls too will enhance the point one.

3. Ignore her posts and stories

This is referred to as narcissist supply which also includes validation, reassurance, power, and control.

4. Don’t allow yourself to get too invested.

5. Always be willing to walk away from her.

6. If she says “I’m blocking you”, respond with “Let me help you with that”.

7. Never give her attention when she acts disrespectfully.

Again please don’t be a simp. A woman with a beautiful body and face is good for a night, but a woman with a beautiful heart is good for a lifetime.

9. Come across as interested, yet nonchalant and calm.

10. If she’s too full of herself, ignore her outright. Attention will only feed her behavior.

To end there is a note by Albert Einstein:- Ego=1/Knowledge “More the knowledge lesser the Ego, lesser the knowledge more the Ego…”