A woman friend once told me that women are the biggest liars compared to men, all the way from their make-up to denying accountability. At the time, having an unjustified appreciation of women, perhaps more justified about those of the past, I didn’t want to believe her. But more and more, as time passed, what she said resonated with me and finally rang through. They are masters of deceit, and each makes an art of it.
They first when putting on their facial make-up, apply their base and then build on that much as does an artist in creating a painting. (By the way, the face is the priority in determining human attraction.) In addition, you have the sculpturer too with their Botox and fake boobs. High heels (made to accentuate sexual appeal), and bikinis (now made to be porn and openly stimulate men) women have no limits except when it comes to men’s reactions in the sexual process with men’s sexuality at the same time suppressed. Then suddenly women lack accountability for what they do. (“We do it for men.” No, you do it for yourselves. Men don’t want to be deceived in any capacity.) And a polite society caters to women’s nonsense.
The deceit and basic lies are denied until women are caught in the act. Then they laugh about it, shameless as they are. In their arsenal of tricks they can quickly change from being strong and independent (a facade of having accountability) to quickly being victims and infantile, or even ignorant, stupid, and ‘innocent’–“Well I didn’t know” (You did three minutes ago when you confidently committed the act). And again, society, despite this typical female chameleon stunt, caters to them.

Alan Millard continues to be a prominent men’s equality advocate since the early ’80s. He began writing his first book, Equality: A Man’s Claim, in the Spring of 1983. He has been thereafter continually affiliated with the major men’s rights organizations and has contributed many articles, radio, and some television broadcasts. His work includes research conducted through his graduate and doctoral coursework and knowledge acquired through his independent studies and colleague associations as a university professor. He heads the group Men’s Equality on Facebook. He is the author of three books addressing men’s equality concerns. His most recent book, A Flaw From Within: How Women’s Higher Status Defies Equal Justice, Violates Men, and Destroys Society, is available through Amazon.
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