The Cruelty of the Modern Woman

Not enough is being said about the cruelty of the modern woman. In the Red Pill society or the manosphere, you will find a lot of talk about modern women. Most of the complaints are justified and can be easily noticed in our everyday lives, especially in the Western world. Modern women are entitled, promiscuous, … Read more

Dear Men, Never Date…

We have already covered Green Flags to See In A Girl Before Dating. This article will discuss women’s general characteristics that you should not date. This includes her ideology or political views, her habits/nature including her past or present, and her relations to you directly or indirectly (in the past or the present). [Note: This … Read more

32 years old woman chose the bear but do you know what happened next will shock you

32 years old woman chose the bear but do you know what happened next will shock you

We all have heard women saying Where are all the good men?, I would rather choose a bear over a man. Still, one must ask men “As a man, would you rather be stuck in the woods with a feminist or a bear?” and I bet those good men will choose the bear, especially those … Read more

How Men’s Rights Has Made Me Anti-War

One completely unexpected effect that being in the men’s rights movement has had on me is that it has made me very anti-war. Granted, I have always been staunchly anti-draft.  However, I used to be more open to the idea of using force to overthrow brutal dictators.  After all, you have to talk to bullies … Read more

Most Men get their first flowers on their Funeral; Some don’t even get any even in death!

Most Men get their first flowers on their Funeral; Some don’t even get any even in death!

Women think that life for men is easy, but is it? No, not at all. They never get the love they deserve. Don’t be moved. The world is an evil place. As Chris Rock correctly said, “Only women, children, and dogs are loved unconditionally. A man is only loved under the condition that he provides something.” … Read more

How do women avoid accountability/responsibility? [Bingo]

How do women avoid accountability/responsibility? [Bingo]

You must have heard about the game Bingo if not you can read it here. Similarly, the 5 rows and the 5 columns can be filled with How do women avoid accountability/responsibility? As I write always women are children in an adult body they don’t take accountability or responsibility rather, they use the terms/techniques given … Read more

She Replied To Your Message, But Don’t Party – As She Did It To You At Last aka You Are Just A Backup Plan

She Replied To Your Message, But Don't Party - As She Did It To You At Last aka You Are Just A Backup Plan

As I say women are always in search of better, they always have a backup man and their behavior can easily be predicted. Today in this article I will write about how many backups a woman has so that you don’t get happy receiving her reply. One of my friends when he got a reply … Read more

The MODERN/Western Woman

The MODERN/Western Woman

The modern woman keeps on complaining “Why does nobody respect me?” but she fails to understand that her actions will get her respect and not asking for it. In this article, we will read about which acts of modern women don’t get her respect. But before we begin you must read The Western Woman. So, … Read more

The “Hawk Tuah” Girl [Men’s Rights Advocate View] – 1

The “Hawk Tuah” Girl [Men’s Rights Advocate View] – 1

In the past month, a short clip of a young woman saying “hawk tuah” has gone viral. As a men’s rights advocate, I was asked by a fellow men’s rights advocate to write a short article about my thoughts on this. The first thing I wanted to mention, is the intactivism element.  Indeed, I am on … Read more

Women in Wonderland

Women in Wonderland

It is an unfortunate situation for women, especially in the Western World. They have been lied to for decades. They follow the herd; they listen to other women and seek advice from those who want them to behave and work like men. Dealing with Western women is an overall very unpleasant experience for most men. … Read more

“I’m a Strong Independent Woman”: No woman has said that when getting divorced in the court.

"I'm a Strong Independent Woman": No woman has said that when getting divorced in the court.

You must have heard of the slogans like “You Go Girl”, Girl Power, Girl’s Rule, I Can, The Future is Female, Girls Can Do Anything, etc., or adding one more out of many is “I’m a Strong Independent Woman” but isn’t it hypocritic from the women’s side as they apply feminism when convenient, Have you … Read more

Women are Not Cute; They are Abusers if they…

Women are Not Cute; They are Abusers if they...

In today’s society, women are termed cute, fiery, independent, strong, assertive, or powerful if they hit, belittle, verbally harass, destroy property, or threaten their partner. On the other hand, if the gender is reversed the whole scenario changes. Why? Are women physically grown-up kids with a child’s mindset? I have an entire article on a … Read more

Gender Inequality Essay: Understanding The True Inequality

Gender Inequality Essay: Understanding The True Inequality

Oh, so are you here at Newsofx as we serve only the truth? We give you the red pill which may not be very pleasant but yeah, that is what it is. Today in this article/essay we will talk about gender inequality debunking the myths about it that feminists have spread. Before we dig deeper … Read more

Cheating Wives: Hypocrisy Debunked (Sarcasm Cheating Meme Version)

Cheating Wives: Hypocrisy Debunked (Sarcasm Meme Version)

Women think that men cheat all the time but Cheating wives are common today in society. On one hand, when men are caught cheating they say we never met this woman but on the other hand when women are caught cheating. The woman starts crying and asks why he made her do this. It was … Read more

It’s Her Choice but never his (The Hypocrisy of Feminists Exposed)

It's Her Choice but never his (The Hypocrisy of Feminists Exposed)

The feminists’ hypocrisy can be seen again in these cases where you just can’t imagine men not being targeted but women on the same hand are praised and cherished. Must Read: The Feminist Approach to Men’s Mental Health By Using The Terms Like – “K*ll all men,” “I drink male tears,” and “Male, pale and … Read more

“I’m not a golddigger, I’m strong & independent. But,…”

"I'm not a golddigger, I'm strong & independent. But,..."

In the intricate dance of modern relationships, the question of financial dynamics is one that often takes center stage. Let’s delve into the complexities of this narrative and explore the balance between financial independence and shared responsibilities. [Note: This article is not intended to be a reference to all the girls but if it has … Read more

It’s so hypocritical that men’s masculinity is toxic for feminists but if it benefits them directly or indirectly then it isn’t

It's so hypocritical that men's masculinity is toxic for feminists but if it benefits them directly or indirectly then it isn't

We all know that pseudo-feminists are hypocrites. In this article, we delve into debunking another hypocrisy related to how subjective they are on things benefiting them directly or indirectly and objective on others. Men’s Money Isn’t (Gold Digger) Jack Welch is credited with the quote, “Cash is king. Get every drop of cash you can … Read more

A Deep Dive Into “Every Single Girl’s Motivation” to Predict Her Behavior

A Deep Dive Into "Every Single Girl's Motivation" to Predict Her Behavior

[Note: This article is not intended to be a reference to all the girls but if it has hurt anyone’s feelings I am sorry for that.] Predicting a girl’s behavior seems like rocket science but it will not be anymore. After you read this article you can easily predict her behavior or her next move!! Hypergamy (She only … Read more

Who invented tampons?

Who invented tampons?

Who invented tampons?: IT WAS A MAN WHO INVENTED TAMPONS…Dr. Earle Haas. The whole “women are victims of systemic oppression” narrative is completely false! In a world without tampons and pads for their cycles, painkillers and anti-inflammatories for their cramps, no OSHA to make work safe, no employment standards to make work fair, and no … Read more



Marriage is no longer as sacred as we thought. If it were, there would be no need for women to cheat, lie, disrespect, go to courts and file fake cases, show fake proofs and destroy families. If women are not considering it sacred, we men must also adapt equally by following these safe marriage tips. … Read more

The Feminist Approach to Men’s Mental Health By Using The Terms Like – “K*ll all men,” “I drink male tears,” and “Male, pale and stale” etc.

The Feminist Approach to Men's Mental Health By Using The Terms Like - "K*ll all men," "I drink male tears," and "Male, pale and stale" etc.

Many feminists today don’t want equality they are misandrists as the points I will write below will not be said by someone who wants equality. They are hypocritical as they support only those who fulfill their political agenda if they are wrong too!! “K*ll all men” Is this phrase non-misandric? Someone is just saying to … Read more

The Bossy Feminists

The Bossy Feminists

What does feminism mean as stated by the feminists? “The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.” But is that so… Also Read: Modern Feminism Accomplishments In this article, we will bust the myth that feminists want equality. Here we convey how feminists apply different standards to men and … Read more

Noah And His Story (MGTOW)

Noah And His Story (MGTOW)

Noah is a humble, respectful, kind, loyal man with an amazing personality who wants to get married someday. He is every bit of a husband and father material. Noah has fallen in love with a young woman named Amber. He tries his best to impress her. In this process, he helps her and gives her … Read more

Life Cycle of a Single Mom

Life Cycle of a Single Mom

Collins Dictionary defines a single mother as a mother who has a dependent child or dependent children and who is widowed, divorced, or unmarried. But do you know their life cycle? Also Read: Beta Male/White Knights: Making – Full Tutorial DIY At Home 1. Find an alpha, and fall in love in 2 days. That’s … Read more

Marriage, Divorce, and Family Courts

Marriage, Divorce, and Family Courts

I led a group for divorcing, divorced, and single fathers for about 10 years. Here’s what I saw over and over from more than a thousand men that came to our group for help; Also Read: Stages of A Dying Marriage/The Broken Marriage There is at least a 50% chance you will be divorced. The … Read more

It’s a mans work!

It's a mans work!

My buddy works for the power company. Sometimes he is outside up on a ladder against a power pole at 3:00 AM with the wind blowing, it’s raining and it’s 30 degrees trying to reconnect power that if he touches it, will vaporize him in a split second. When there is a storm he works … Read more

Horrid Tale

Horrid Tale

In my travels, upon the internet, I have found stories that at times made me feel, horrid in essence. I shall share this story, and do so with one mistake in the story, think of this as a test, to see if you truly feel empathy or just social outrage. Also Read: Shemgelena ( ሽምግልና) … Read more

DVAM (Domestic Violence Awareness Month): Hell

DVAM (Domestic Violence Awareness Month): Hell

Every October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) in the United States. Why has DV gotten even worse since implementing this awareness program two decades ago? Martin Luther King said it best, “You can’t fight lies with worse lies or fight hate with worse hate.” DVAM is pure hate and lies and thus makes the … Read more

When Feelings are in Charge

When Feelings are in Charge

As most of you already know, the west is ruled by women. Feminism took over and your fate is decided either by a woman through her agent (the government). You can even end up in jail because of a woman. No evidence or proof against you is needed. You can lose your children and your … Read more

The Bordello

The Bordello

Long time ago, men used to go to the Bordello. It is a place where you go to have s*x with pros*itutes. You pay for s*x and then you leave. A straight-forward transaction. The man got what he wanted, and she got what she wanted. In other words, it was a wh*re house. Such establishments … Read more

The Western Woman

The Western Woman

There are known sayings that fathers say to their sons. For example, don’t do drugs, don’t hit people, don’t steal, and many other known don’ts. The new modern-day addition to the list is don’t get involved with western women. By western women, I don’t mean white women, I mean any woman with a western mentality. … Read more

It’s just a prank

It's just a prank

Many people can do unnatural/weird things, from being very flexible to having a very sharp memory. But can anyone do it or should you try it? No, never. What you think of testing your limits or pranking someone for fun, can take your life away or cause you major harm. Every organ of the body … Read more

What would masculinity look like if it were built on self-sovereignty rather than on a servitude to others?

What would masculinity look like if it were built on self-sovereignty rather than on a servitude to others?

Why are there now a*ti-men advocates coming from men themselves in addition to women and feminists? A*ti-men advocates as Red Pill imposters (under-cover feminists) are the answer? These rad*cals claim in their defiance of reality that men are never to be ‘weak’, ‘soft’ or even acknowledged as victims. The feminist version of this is that … Read more

Just a horse trapped in an abandoned pool

Just a horse trapped in an abandoned pool

TW: HoaxIn March of 1999, a story began to circulate in a small, quiet town in Poland. Neighbors reported that a horse had been trapped in an abandoned pool for over a year. Initially confused by the animal’s pitiful cries, residents soon began to speak of strange sights a dark figure moving around the pool, … Read more

He is just swimming

He is just swimming

Do you like swimming? Then you must understand which is a safe place to swim even swimming in a pool is not safe as seen in It’s just a group of boys having fun. The boy suffered from Commotio Cordis which is a fatal blow to the chest. For instance, If an object – usually a ball – … Read more

It’s just a girl lost and crying in the forest

A teenage girl can be seen sobbing uncontrollably as she stumbles through a forest. While exploring, she came across a human sk*ll, partially hidden beneath dirt and leaves. The footage shows her desperately trying to call the police, her voice shaking as she describes what she found. Authorities were alerted and are now investigating the … Read more

A bus full of kids heading home

A bus full of kids heading home

Have you ever been to any magic show where a magician makes any woman disappear and do other tricks? Many times magicians use video editing skills, VFX, etc to perform those tricks or make them look real. Here according to me, this viral video tries to spread a HOAX as there is no concrete information … Read more

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