Who Rules the Western World?: A lot of people ask this question. People in the east like in China or India are curious. What is going on in the west? Why the family breakdown and parental alienation is very common? Why children outside of wedlock is normal? Maybe the republicans? The democrats? Or maybe a secret society like the illuminati? Or maybe the heads of the most important corporations meet up in a secret meeting room and make all the decisions? A lot of people are wondering who calls the shots in the declining western civilization.
Also Read: No Country for Men: Canada
I am here to give you the answer. If I have to say it in one or two words then the answer is simply Female Manipulation. Don’t be so surprised or shocked. This is normal considering what has been happening in the west for many decades now. God gave women the power to seduce and manipulate men to the extent that they have the ability to easily destroy a man using another man which is the peak of their manipulative power. However, God gave this ability to women to protect themselves against evil men not to destroy men at will through lies and manipulation.
And to protect men against female manipulation, God gave us rules and gender roles to follow to maintain order and discipline in society. The moment you tell women go do what men do, you need to understand the consequences that comes with that. God said Men lead and Women follow and that is exactly how it should be. God created men to protect, provide for, love, and care for women. God Created women to respect and follow the leadership of men. Imagine if the power is with the gender that has very little care and empathy for the other gender. A lot of women will say that is not true, “I do care about my son and my father etc.” That does not contradict with what I am saying. What I am saying is not individual based like my own father or son, but gender based. Females as a gender do not care about males as a gender, in fact they think that men are supposed to sacrifice themselves for women because they are simply females. You are a man so work in the most dangerous conditions and go die in war and shut up.
Imagine you are living in a society where females are given the total freedom to manipulate men without empathy or care and there is no one to call them out for it. On top of all that they have the government and men themselves doing their bidding for them. It is a total disaster that is sufficient to destroy western civilisation in a few decades. The female chaos that ignores consequences and accountability is on full display in the west. In a small period of time, females were set loose in society under the guise of equality and freedom from the patriarchy to completely ruin what men built for thousands of years and what god told us to do.
If you live in the west, look around you. The total family breakdown where women ask for divorce from good men because they bored or because they don’t get butterflies in their stomachs anymore, happens every minute of everyday. Women go into marriage knowing that they can get out at will and not just get out, but also take your hard-earned income and children with them too. And not just one time, they will take money from you every month till you die and its totally fine if you end up living in a car while she enjoys a house and a new man who she will push to be the new father instead of you. The whole system is designed for women to manipulate you and get away with it. A woman that you have never seen before can say you sexually abused her and that’s if for you. You will go to jail and lose your reputation because you are guilty until proven innocent…because you know females are incapable of manipulating or lying. You can be a perfectly capable father and be treated like a second-rate visitor to your own children and pay child support more than a runaway dad just because that’s what the mother wants. She is the boss and you are the slave so take it as it is or the government male agents who gladly save the innocent princess from the evil man will come to punish you.
As for your kids, Goodluck having any meaningful relationship with them other than them treating you worse than their classmates and then growing up without your input until they end up making big mistakes like teenage pregnancies. The mental issues that they developed from all the manipulation and alienation is so severe that their own children will carry the same mental disorders.
And the funny part is that they blame the patriarchy when it’s the total opposite. Even though it is not perfect, but t’s the patriarchy that maintained discipline. Women were attracted to men and men were attracted to women under the patriarchy. We didn’t have the family breakdown, we didn’t have mentally ill children, we didn’t have teenage girls walking down the street with babies from some guy they don’t know, we didn’t have constant competition between men and women, we didn’t have no fault divorce with no accountability, we didn’t have common false accusations, we didn’t have sexually tranmisted diseases more than the common cold, we didn’t have sex based relationships between men and women like friends with benefits, we didn’t have mass shooters, do you want me to go on? Its an infinite list of disasters. Open the doors and tell women that you can go out there and work with men. Compete with them, manipulate them, and destroy the patriarchy. Keep defying nature. Keep going against god’s words. But don’t come later and cry. This is how civilization end.

The Red Pill Philosopher is a passionate advocate for men’s rights. He is committed to raising awareness about issues such as fathers’ rights, radical feminism, female nature, men’s challenges in family courts, and the growing gender inequality in almost all aspects of society. He seeks to empower men to reclaim their voices and God-given societal roles and stand up for their rights.
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