The Bossy Feminists

What does feminism mean as stated by the feminists?

“The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.”

But is that so…

Also Read: Modern Feminism Accomplishments

In this article, we will bust the myth that feminists want equality. Here we convey how feminists apply different standards to men and women as to reveal blatant double standards.

First of all, let us know what feminists tell women:

What they are allowed to think.

Women are allowed to only think they are weak with this being the reason why female empowerment is needed. They want every woman to hate men even their own sons, forget about brothers or fathers and husbands. They want women not to do cooking or to be housewives, even if they want this for themselves.

What should women wear?

Even if women want to wear traditional clothing feminists tell women not to, wear what they say or be naked too.

How should they feel about men?

They should regard men as their oppressors and that they are the oppressed or the victims in all cases.

What sort of jobs should women have?

They must have jobs that men do but only those they prefer or if not then also get paid the same as men.

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What sort of life should women lead?

Feminists want women to lead the life of a single mother, only having a girl child in their womb.

What they must women believe about history?

As said above, feminists want women to believe that men are the oppressors and women are the oppressed. They make the claim that women cannot be an oppressor or men a victim even when they are given the same circumstances that make women real victims.

What political party must women belong to?

They must support the communist party which supports feminism with the aim of breaking the family system.

Who and what must women vote for?

They must vote for the authoritarian communist leader.

Now, let us know what feminists tell men:

What political thoughts are men allowed to have?

They are only allowed to think anti-nationally in an attempt to break the country.

When speaking to a woman where are men allowed to look?

Men should not look at women below the face. They should always talk face-to-face to a woman.

How are men allowed to feel about women?

Feminists want men to treat women like goddesses following chivalry standards and keeping them placed on a pedestal.

How should men feel about themselves?

They should always feel that they are the oppressors, that they cannot be the victims and that women are always the victims.

When may men speak?

They are only to speak after a woman and to follow chivalry guidelines.

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What are men allowed to say?

They must not throw truth bombs about men’s rights and male suicide or about anything that disproves feminist lies.

What must men believe about history?

They have been the oppressors and women were the victims and that they were never victims and women never oppressors.

How should men sit?

They must not sit spreading their legs as to express manspreading.

How should men walk?

They should walk in a girlish manner as to prevent toxic masculinity.

How should men urinate?

They must sit to urinate, and there must be gender-neutral toilets.

When are men allowed to complain?


Men don’t feel the pain. They are to take it like a man. Women’s prerogative is applied to everything, which allows women to change their minds on the spur of the moment, with them lacking any accountability.

And in return, they don’t want to be called Bossy either, although man-splaining is a term applied to men for less.

Please comment on what points I missed and the descriptions I missed!!

Till then!!

Tc Good Bye!!

Also Read: Admitting that s*x is a male need threatens religious and feminist beliefs and power dynamics associated

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