The term saas bahu comes from the Hindi language. Where saas means mother-in-law and bahu means daughter-in-law. It’s common for a son in India to get grinded between them. If the husband takes his wife’s side, the mother gets angry and says, “you forgot the mother who gave you birth and kept you in the womb for 9 moths nourished you till you became an adult” for a woman, you just got married to. The same he is being told by the wife about his mother too “that before the marriage you promised this that and now you are in yours mothers lap, if this was the case why did you marry her” and all those shit. There is a continuous tussle among them to win the son’s heart for her mother and the husband’s heart for her wife. In this article we will talk about saas bahu problems, its major causes and prominent solutions to it.
Also Read: Matrimony is a Market and A man is a product
Mistakes in the saas bahu relationship (Saas Bahu Problems with solutions)
Son is not a plot or a piece of land
Son is a living human being; both need to understand (the mother and the wife) that he is not a piece of land. The mother thinks that the son is her property, and the wife thinks, as now she is in his life, the registry should be shifted to her name. Old relations can’t be left for the new ones. Mother also should realize that after her son leaves home or matures, he gets his friends circle and a whole new life. The way this feeling in her arises after so many years is not okay.
The wife has come here for her son (Saas Bahu Problems with solutions)
The wife has no obligations to you as such she is there for your son. She is his life partner and If you get a minor benefit of her getting married to your son. It’s your luck.
Mumma’s Boy Syndrome
The wife thinks she needs a boy who is independent in his decisions, but she fails to realize that this boy she married at 25 or around will be connected to his family in most cases. If this is the case, he shares the bond with his family and feels he has duties toward his parents or family. He is a good boy. He will not leave you too. As it’s apparent, women become less attractive when they hit the wall, so he will not leave you as he is not selfish.
Mother-in-law is not the mother and Daughter-in-law is not the daughter (Saas Bahu Problems with solutions)
The mother-in-law must not say or treat her daughter-in-law as a daughter or vice-versa, as the relation is not such. A mother can speak to a daughter anything, or what a daughter can say to her mother will not be taken as the same as the case of the mother-in-law or the daughter-in-law. Both of them should understand that the relationship cannot become a blood one. The relation depends on the mother-in-laws’ son or the daughter-in-law’s husband.
This applies to the son also; he should not treat her wife’s mother other or father as his own or vice versa, as this relation can not also be a blood one.
Expecting someone else’s son or daughter to serve you in a old age is a sin
Your son or daughter will only serve you in your old age, regardless of gender. This is the 21st century, and things have changed. Women and men are equal, or even women are above men due to the gynocentric society. Morally a husband should help his wife take care of her parents, and a wife should do the same for her husband’s parents, but it’s not that someone is obliged to do so. So, throw those expectations away.
There is a famous Punjabi saying “breed a dog, breed a cat but never breed a misunderstanding” which will hurt you in the end.

I am Vivek Singh owner and publisher of I am a journalist by profession. I did my Bachelor’s in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University Jharkhand and my Master’s in the same from Central University of Jharkhand grabbing the gold medal.
I am a Men’s Rights Activist, International Men’s Day and World Day of the Boy Child India coordinator, and Global Media coordinator for both of these days.
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