Naughty America [Everything You Should Know About]

Naughty America is a private Po*nography film studio headquartered in San Diego, California. The company was formed in June 2001. The company was founded by Andreas Hronopoulos by the name SoCal Cash later changed to Naughty America in March 2004.

Our View On Naughty America (Po*n As A Whole)

Po*n: Is it good for Women? Who cares, it’s designed for Men

It’s claimed by those who have no regard for men, other than for them to provide some use or service for women, that porn (Naughty America) is not healthy because it takes men away from relationships with women. What a crock! If we negatively target men’s sexual alternatives, which are only due to men’s sexual deprivation by women, then we must not leave out dildos and vibrators or steamy ‘romance’ novels for women. It could no less be said that these also deprive men of the same opportunities as women per their ridiculous male expectations and demeaned status attached to men. However, due to how men now suffer at the hands of women, with ego-based discriminatory sex laws specifically designed to entrap men (including feminists even redefining rape itself to ‘qualify’ more men as ‘rapists’), porn is one of the most healthy sexual alternatives for men. (Legalized prostitution would be another if made available.) It matters not whether it meets women’s approval. It, like prostitution, only threatens women’s abusive sexual power over men. That seems to be the only concern.

Besides, if relationships were so important to women, wouldn’t THEY put equal effort into forming them as well as place fewer restrictions and liabilities on men pertaining to sexual contact occurring between men and women? Men are accused of seeing women only as ‘sex objects’ in their mate selection. But are not women guilty of presenting themselves as sex objects and of worse in that they have unequal expectations (sex is shared) in what they want from men under the facade of ‘romance’–effort, potential rejection, protection, expenditure, and risk?

The real problem here is that we don’t care what men want or how they are treated. Men, being indoctrinated from boyhood to serve women as part of their defined ‘manhood‘ consisting of a lower, pawn and servitude, status to women, do not matter. The dating process already reveals this, placing more emphasis on the man to seek, serve and please a woman than on a woman to seek, serve and please a man. In fact, the ages-old egotistical female expression of playing ‘hard to get’ attests to this nonsense. This is wrong in the first place as men enact a one-way role to please women and are placed so low in status as to even have to ‘prove’ themselves to women. If this sacrifice of a man’s equal self-respect and value to the female isn’t bad enough due to his accepted self-hate, then the increased misandry incorporated into laws designed to accommodate by targeting men in this skewed arrangement should be–e.g. deemed predators, sexual harassers, stalkers and rapists.

Another attempt to prevent men’s alternative sexual fulfilment is to claim porn (Naughty America) degrades women, again with no regard for men. There is no logical basis for this claim, as women are sexual to men and masses purposely desire and strive to be, most often for power and manipulative reasons when it comes to men. The attempt to do enable this is only countered by women who are in the porn industry as the only accepted defence ‘for men’. Men are still not directly considered in the equation–not at all for their own sake.

If there exists increased popularity and demand for porn (Naughty America) by men, let’s look at the reason; don’t blame men for what they seek in women for they are merely seeking what they need, and the porn/sex industry is matched to provide it (supply and demand). Look at the real problem, and don’t blame men for it either–modern-day women and the better-than-you misandric character, along with the laws that have been made to accommodate this ridiculous sacred female status. Due to the criminalization of their sexuality, men have much more to fear outside of alternative forms of sexual fulfilment than women do–e.g. redefining what even qualifies as rape, false allegations, deprived due process per rape shield laws, etc…

Few people like the truth and those who speak it. But those who do honor the truth can make a difference by sharing it to improve society as a whole in creating awareness and an informed public mindset.

Hooked: Men on Naughty America (P*rn) are like Women on ‘Romantics’

I know one woman who is depriving herself of sleep so she can watch a romance series. She works daily as a professional health care worker. (She is an RN.) But she tells me she is hooked on watching this certain series because it’s so good. It’s negatively affecting her health, with her some nights only getting 2-3 hours of sleep.

[Note: Men and women are basically seeking the same thing through artificial means.]

I don’t say this as a mere calloused comparison evaluation, but for the sake of her and other women like her who may be experiencing similar mental/physical conditions. Many women are unable to put down(i.e hooked) a romance novel, and this may affect them adequately performing other tasks in their lives or getting a life for themselves that includes experiencing these human needs first-hand. Could this to some extent in a way be the female counterpart deprivation experienced by women? How could it not be? Could men’s use of porn (Naughty America) have a sociological correlation?

Men’s sexual attraction to women is not as a ‘meat’ market or anything like that either. As I have noted before, sex is not only like a need for food but that men form feelings through sex. The female’s face is rated in men’s sexual attraction to women as the sexiest part of her body. Her expressions and personality captured and conveyed (often in porn) significantly adds to his stimulation in addition to her physical features, suggestive poses and intentional sexual expressions.

Strange as it may sound, when closely examined, men and women are not that far out of sync with each other as we (or as many of us want) to think. One university professor I recall, entuned to my interests, explained to me that a man and a woman are on different ends of the same spectrum, and with some give and take each can easily meet in the middle. (This enlightenment complemented me acquiring knowledge and defining my goals sculpting my equality efforts.) If men and women are allowed to come to terms and meet in the middle, this is (and should be) the goal of achieving an equal balance in acquiring genuine equality standards between men and women. This takes little adaptation (and humans are the most adaptable of all species), but rather mutual desire and cooperation–a lack of this is due to a lack of mutual status and value attributed to one sex over the other

However, as my academic experiences have enlightened me to the way research and studies work, anything that does not support the feminist agenda is not supported or funded. Therefore, a worthy and valuable study that would positively contribute to society, so badly needed, is left by the wayside–often condemned as misogyny. This is why, as intellectual seeking knowledge, I went my own way to seek out information and gain knowledge in every conceivable way possible to support men’s equality interests. I acquired knowledge at all levels, and through many experiences, often getting in the cross-fire of feminists (as well as trad-cons.), especially when I proved them to be wrong or disclosed proof of their promoted misinformation. A basic reasoning process has proved to be the biggest asset in disproving feminist propaganda, rhetoric, and outright conjecture. It provided the same in opposing traditional/conservative sex-bigotry (chivalry thinking) as well the religious tainted thinking that often comes with that too.

But again, legitimate studies that would render great understanding via a compromise between the sexes are guarded and not allowed. It’s a mental dictatorship affecting a deliberate deprivation of intellectualism.

There do exist a few people who stand against this intellectual cancer though, but they are held in fear and need to be careful because their jobs are at stake. If, relying on a basic obligation, to be honest as intellectuals, they speak out they are ostracized for it by moronic bigotry at a very fundamental level. (I recall feminists making a fuss due to my presence as a university professor and to me having my book available in the university bookstore.)

I am educated, but not indoctrinated. Why? Because I was a person already formed in my own right before I went to college. This can’t be said for the majority of students who go from high school to college, especially now.

Transitioning students from having their own minds to being indoctrinated by what college is trying to sell (intellectually coerce) upon the new students used to pose a ‘problem’. So, the feminist/liberal influence had to be incorporated into high schools and even grade schools to solve it. Soon though, teachers produced by the universities would help to remedy this per their college and university indoctrination (sex-bigotry and pro-socialist sentiment). Not long curriculum and textbooks were also altered to accommodate, especially occurring around 1980.

I personally recall liberal socialist-minded professors complaining that students coming from a strong family background who, one could say had minds of their own, were a problem for them. When I saw all this transpire I knew that our own government had betrayed us, the people, in allowing this overthrow to occur.

I did not mean to side-track from the originally expressed concern of romance controlling the minds of young women but to demonstrate how we are not allowed to have worthwhile studies and acquire knowledge that would address concerns pertaining to issues as this. Instead, political garbage that has little more value than individualized fantasy and idle gossip, all tainted by PC/feminist nonsense, has displaced it.

As for the original topic and a direct correlation, any constructive unification principles applying to understanding men and women that could contribute to a positive result between sexes is not welcome but considered a potential threat to the modern status quo (misandry narrative). Prejudice replaces understanding. When a lack of understanding is prevalent, hate and a poor character associated with that hate can easily allow society to succumb to a much lower intellectual level than ever before, with the results expressed in a common misandric mindset.

We will find imposters often using our hunger for legitimate and accurate information (knowledge) as a facade, and once the contents of the article or news story are revealed, we realize that we have been suckered in with nothing worthwhile to offer–just more assumptions based on the shallow-minded sex-bigotry already so present in society. News used to be informative with worthy substance and content.

On this note, ‘politically correct’ interests took over and displaced what could have been valuable studies pertaining to heterosexual relations between men and women as if they (transexuals, lesbians and gays, etc.) were the rule rather than the exception. This is why many old college textbooks and other academic references existing before the PC/feminist influence are so valuable (even having basic knowledge that has been taken out of modern-day references) but so readily discarded and destroyed–deemed ‘obsolete’. But ironically, they have more applicable today than ever before due to the ignorance that is being dictated within our college and university environments replacing them.

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