Religious Trad-t*rds versus Feminist Lib-t*rds

What is often termed a ‘weak’ or ‘soft’ man is a good man, a feelingful and kind man. Whether or not he is accepted or sought by women is not, and should not be, his problem. The problem lies in women who need better influence in their upbringing and developed to be better people, those who would desire these types of men. But religious and trad/con men are like the old saying goes, “as wort*less as t*ts on a boar” in combating the problem because they are the ones (chivalrists) who originally created it. So, by placing women on a pedestal (above men) and being traditionally-bound, they merely blame other men for not being what women want regardless of their character. Worse, these guys revert back to archaic concerns for chastity without addressing any real issues facing men, including women’s character. Instead, their small minds are concerned with female ‘body count’, controlling s*x and female ‘s*xual immorality’. As if that’s what determines a good or bad person? How can the same quality in one person be commendable (a stud or chad) but in another sh*meful (sl*t) when it takes the mutual involvement/consent of them both to make it happen? These people are an in*ult to the human race and any rational reasoning process. This is never a concern in the Men’s Liberation Movement.

[Note: You cannot sh*me those who are not indoctrinated by what they are to be sh*med for. Se*ual sh*ming is very unhealthy, as anyone in-the-know is well aware of—what causes most se*ual deviants and many psychological problems in adults mostly coming from religious backgrounds.]

Men being deprived their se*ual needs is compounded by this archaic shaming attempt, hence, the male double standard. When they tell every man he can be the successful ‘bad boy’ ‘stud’ who lands many women, we are dealing with very small-minded people, many of whom are further turning on and e*ploiting vulnerable men in the process. These exploiters are clueless and in denial that s*x is even a need to men. Do we really think massive phenomena used to the contrary would exist if s*x weren’t a very important need to men?

Denial only suppresses the problem—something women use all the time to manipulate men. The advocated stoic stud (‘bad boy’ chad) getting all the women he wants is used as a selling point. To get women a man must be sculpted to be a lesser being to match these women. If you don’t see the hypocrisy in this then you might have a mental disability. If we follow the ‘logic’ being promoted women are not valued for anything but s*x and reproduction (baby-makers) and are rated as per mileage on a car. Yet, the male equivalent (race car driver) is the ideal male for men to idolize? Women of today, who we don’t evaluate as good or bad other than by how many men they have slept with, will flock to these men, men who have lots of money and status. But these are not good women seeking these men. They are seeking the mere 10% of men who are ripe for the picking. Look at what commonly happens to these men. They get kicked out, beat up in court, with attorney fees, half their shit taken in divorce settlements, along with child support and alimony obligations placed on them. How can these exploiters be successful by turning on men? you might ask. Because we hold men accountable for women’s bad character/behavior. Men are convinced to think that this fate will not happen to them because they are smarter than to allow this to happen to them when it happens to all men, esp. those sculpting themselves to be ‘ripe for the picking’.

The male double standard will also pit men against other men who as fathers have daughters these men seek, men who perhaps are like themselves (or how they were sculpted to be). Men, sculpted in this way, h*te other men as well as themselves. Men need to be just as polite and courteous to other men as they are to women–chivalry and feminism be damned. The typical masculinity script is a self-destructive. Men need to be understood rather than made to be masters of deceit to match an equivalent poor character in women. Men protect women from other men. There are bad women out there too, but that doesn’t mean we are to use violence and vigilante justice against men any more than women—a thug for women mentality/chivalry. This is why we have laws and the police.

You can have all the credentials (physical strength, money, know-how, etc.) available, but if they aren’t efficiently used they are worthless, or even damaging. Like a beautiful hot-rod car capable of winning the race, but with a crazy Chimpanzee behind the wheel, it won’t perform worth a crap and will likely crash. When it comes to religious and trad/con people, you are dealing with a Chimpanzee placed in a Model T.

Do these women who have multiple male s*x partners h*te men, or do they like them? Are not the other women who have s*x with men only to exploit them much worse? Are men not subject to more liabilities with them—women who get together with men to get pregnant, tapping them for financial resources and more through marriage, divorce settlements, child support and alimony? Are not women who seek men without seeking them for money in the process (e.g. Lilly Phillips) much better than those women looking to commit a premeditated crime of extortion? These women, whether they like s*x or not, are bad women. Some evil-minded, m*sandric women even call these female parasites smart. And these types of women are who the religious and trad/con macho types/chads are playing up to as ‘studs’. Most guys have no problem with the so-called sl*ts these n*t-jobs condemn. They are more genuine (e.g. Hawk Tuah Girl) with their s*xually-liberated personality, as their popularity with guys attests. Let’s get better women, not rated by their body count, in circulation who like men.

False allegations? Little wonder many women want men per hyper-gamy—those who make more than they do, which combined with EEO (Equal Employment Opportunity) leaves half of the male population out of the mating equation (dating market) –definitely a female double standard.

We hear women claim that men see them as s*x objects. Yes, men see women as s*xual because men are s*xually stimulated through visual means, combined with a higher s*x-drive (need s*x more than women do—hence, the discrepancy that allows men to be manipulated by women. Do not women present themselves to men as to be s*x objects? How do women see men? Everything modern-day women (and a m*sandric government that supports them) see men through objectification/exploitation. Another major difference in men seeing women as ‘s*x objects’, which women pride themselves in being, is that s*x is shared (and by mutual consent) whereas money is taken. Men actually love women (form feelings) through s*x and are called simps for it.

Being physically strong doesn’t help you in court. In fact, that capable image and the money that comes with it (all advocated by dating coaches), hurts men in court. Is the plow horse, used for its physical strength by its master, an ‘alpha’ male? Physical strength, along with an image and asset ability means nothing but a potential liability.

Instead of catered to, women need to be held equally accountable to men, differing from what these religious and trad/cons have done under the rule of chivalry dictate. What happens to the good guys? Many commit su*cide. Three out of four su*cides are committed by men. And even then THEY are blamed by these calloused macho freaks—e.g. ”They were weak men.” What do you have without logic? In this case applied to men you have self-destruction flying under the banner of machoism.

In other words, men are second-class citizens or less, as if men haven’t been told this enough by feminists.

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