One of the most important concerns for men is their a**ault by women, including se*ual a**ault due to it’s personal, lasting effects. A major contributor to this a*use is that men are sculpted to ‘take it’ (like a man) as part of their ‘masculine’ upbringing (indoctrination) and continued grooming to be a man.
This prescripted ‘masculine’ existence works against men in many ways. Part of this self-destructive mindset created is that women are therefore allowed per conditioning to get away with ab*sing and a**aulting men (physically and mentally). Cruel and calloused treatment dished out includes “Don’t be such a baby” or “Be a man about it.”) Few seem to realize how damaging this is regarding men. Combined with a modern age of poorer quality women who h*te men (are filled with m*sandry), men’s sculpting through their ‘masculine” grooming is a very bad mix that compounds the negative effects, especially pertaining to modern-day conditions, basically allowing women to get away with ab*sing and a**aulting men more than ever before. And due to m*sandry being fashionable amongst women and condoned, if not also practiced by men themselves, the effect is manifested in common application. This is seen in the social scene in movies, programs, sit-coms, and even in public display as when women openly sl*p men, with others, calloused and accepting of women’s superior status, thinking that he must have done something to ‘deserve’ it. Women will sometimes, due their superior status and men’s inferior status, even grab a man’s gen*tals if they so choose. This has happened in number of occasions, including in public display on stage to Robin Williams. Modern women will commonly joke about a man’s intimate body parts and even personally apply the humiliation, often to be conveyed as ‘funny’. Men, on the other hand, due to chivalry dictate and just being more decent people, are far less apt to do this to women.
But when in private men are subjected to extreme se*ual abuse that if the equivalent were done by a man to a woman would land him in prison with a fel*ny conviction and placed with a brand on the s*x-offender registry. This is also where believe all women, with their superior status, comes in too, when they can claim abuse often to project upon to a man which she herself is guilty of doing to him–someone who is programmed not to complain about it.
This discrepancy is at the very founding of the equality issue for men compared to women–part of the male/masochist, female/s*dist social dynamic taking place. The alpha macho dictate (the last thing the men’s liberation movement needed) recently being repackaged and sold to men, is the main contributor to this problem in that men are not allowed to be victims when they are victims per a twisted ‘masculine’-typed existence. Many men therefore experience a very lonely place when a cognitive existence *ucks up their minds as to be real people (equally entitled to a pleasurable life to women) who are violated in contrast to a sculpted masculine identity that disallows him to be regarded as the same.
Masculinity needs to be redefined as to not be a disposable pawn, something used and discarded, even a*used for s*distic entertainment. A real person is not to take abuse. A real man is a real person, human being rather than something defined by a discounted existence. This is the basic premise of men’s equality to women and needed for the Men’s Liberation Movement to succeed. Ethical principles (equal justice). Men need to accept being a real person rather then the ‘real man’ nonsense. Otherwise, those fooled by this self-abuse standard are doomed to face worse with many more men yet to be violated and abused with their suicide being their only mental and physical escape. The empathy gap and basic compassion for men is reflective of the poor quality of people, not only women but many men themselves concerning other men.
But, as emphasized here in this article, part of the problem, although we are all accountable for our own behavior and actions, is that men being sculpted to be machines rather than real persons have no personality other than as a sculpted predesigned one, with strong perimeters to keep him in his place. Yet it’s ironic regarding women men are to feel for them, but not other men. Empathy and compassion can only exist at one’s discretion if he is programed as some type of machine. What a ‘great’ self-serving male design for women.
What compounds the problem is when men complain and try to escape from the plantation per their chains defining their manhood. These men are condemned by those who want to keep men ‘in their place’ –confined to their masculine-sculpted chains. The government in every aspect also does this to men, esp. one influenced by women more than ever before against men. We have the effect played out in family court applied to divorce settlements, child custody, child support and alimony, blameworthiness and exclusive accountability to which men, not woman, are held. We need to have a conscience applied in regard to men.
But men are sculpted to be ki**ers as part of being men, some claim. Yes, much as a rattlesnake in their macho disposition. Let’s compare a rattle snake to a friendly puppy and we can see a blatant discrepancy also in what men solicit to women for themselves too.
Per their pedestal status, women are basically treated like royalty, with terms ae “Ladies first” attesting to this status. The typical dating arrangement is testament to the practice in application. Ironically, our U.S. Constitution outlaws royalty in the USA due to it placing some people above others. But apparently it doesn’t apply to women who are given an exception (e.g. the VAWA, Title IX, Megan’s Law and the many other laws that attest to this male discrimination and persecution). Less severe sentencing and time spent imprisoned for women for the same acts committed is self-evident of the effect. (Then some will say due to the way men have been groomed to take it, that it’s harder on women than men–thus one violation is used to defend another. Giving women a royalty status that the rest of society (men) must somehow compensate for is not equality (equal justice for all), but tyranny of half the population.
Given their female egos women, without question, feel they have a right to abuse and violate men–those whose duty is to serve, provide for and protect them. This sick and demented arrangement and matching mindset is not acceptable to any self-respecting man or decent woman. Men are much healthier alone and somewhere this persecution doesn’t exist than to ever be subjected to this routine abuse. Men are not to be deemed under any type of obligation any more than women to perform any service for women that women are not obligated to perform for men, intimately or in any other way than vice versa (e.g. Men climax ‘too soon’ when maybe the problem is women take too long and given the need for sex is not the same either). Stop patronizing women by allowing them to set any standard.
This is not in want of some utopia but rather a mere standard at the most basic level that must be met for the equality of men and women to basically be guaranteed, if nothing else, by our US Constitution.

Alan Millard continues to be a prominent men’s equality advocate since the early ’80s. He began writing his first book, Equality: A Man’s Claim, in the Spring of 1983. He has been thereafter continually affiliated with the major men’s rights organizations and has contributed many articles, radio, and some television broadcasts. His work includes research conducted through his graduate and doctoral coursework and knowledge acquired through his independent studies and colleague associations as a university professor. He heads the group Men’s Equality on Facebook. He is the author of three books addressing men’s equality concerns. His most recent book, A Flaw From Within: How Women’s Higher Status Defies Equal Justice, Violates Men, and Destroys Society, is available through Amazon.
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