Consent takes equal accountability, right?

Consent takes equal accountability, right?

Do not male/female animals share an equal consent accountability with each other. And are they, compared to humans, not more honest about the sexual process that takes place? Certainly. The interactive male/female arrangement consists of a mutual accountability level shared by two consenting adults. Humans are now below animals in this respect, especially due to … Read more

Men: Figureheads for Women

Men: Figureheads for Women

Males are groomed to take pride in a servitude role as ‘men’. Otherwise, outside of this, they are not only expendable but criminal (if non-compliant) with no value or opportunity provided for them (as acceptable men) to exist in their own right or any security provided for their best interests. Where is the love in … Read more

International Men’s Day: Recognition

International Men's Day: Recognition

This International Men’s Day I give tribute to those who have contributed to the men’s equality cause. Athough many exist, I will honor some of what I consider the highlights and give accurate historical credits to the most significant and notorious works. As I have stated before, and as hidden and distorted historical documentation attests, … Read more

Dating Dynamics: Dating Up or Down is a value assessment displacing Personal Attachment, Love, and Affection

Dating Dynamics: Dating Up or Down is a value assessment displacing Personal Attachment, Love, and Affection

Dating Dynamics: Dating or marrying ‘up or down’ was never a term in the past when love and affection meant something in forming relationships between men and women. Why? Could it be due to when what defines women’s independence is combined with misandry? Financial incentives compensate for women’s hatred, otherwise, men are not good enough … Read more

Defining Manhood and what is Masculine is subjective: Which narrative do you support?

Defining Manhood and what is Masculine is subjective: Which narrative do you support?

Men’s liberation is a dirty word to those who want to continue to oppress men, like allowing the slaves to be released to live a life defined in their own right. These tyrants claim to have ownership over men and how masculinity is defined. Incumbents of this defined existence (males) are bound to enact a … Read more

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