Now, I see Rose as the real villain of the movie without any doubt

Jack lost his life because of Rose, Romeo because of Juliet and King Kong because of Ann: Stay Single! If you want to live

When I was a kid I saw Titanic. During that time Rose was a queen or heroine to me as she threw the $250 million pendant in the memory of her love into the sea. But, when I see the story from a new perspective now I think how wrong I was. Now, I see … Read more

Men need to be considered equal to each other before they can be considered equal to women

Men need to be considered equal to each other before they can be considered equal to women

Stop the alpha/beta, strong/weak man no*sense. This prevents assessing people on equally sound values based on good character and personality that unilaterally apply to both men and women. The so-called ‘high value’ assessment (10% of men) that certain men apply to themselves and to establish some sort of male hierarchy is an example of not … Read more

The Cruelty of the Modern Woman

Not enough is being said about the cruelty of the modern woman. In the Red Pill society or the manosphere, you will find a lot of talk about modern women. Most of the complaints are justified and can be easily noticed in our everyday lives, especially in the Western world. Modern women are entitled, promiscuous, … Read more

It’s just a prank

It's just a prank

Many people can do unnatural/weird things, from being very flexible to having a very sharp memory. But can anyone do it or should you try it? No, never. What you think of testing your limits or pranking someone for fun, can take your life away or cause you major harm. Every organ of the body … Read more

What would masculinity look like if it were built on self-sovereignty rather than on a servitude to others?

What would masculinity look like if it were built on self-sovereignty rather than on a servitude to others?

Why are there now a*ti-men advocates coming from men themselves in addition to women and feminists? A*ti-men advocates as Red Pill imposters (under-cover feminists) are the answer? These rad*cals claim in their defiance of reality that men are never to be ‘weak’, ‘soft’ or even acknowledged as victims. The feminist version of this is that … Read more

Just a horse trapped in an abandoned pool

Just a horse trapped in an abandoned pool

TW: HoaxIn March of 1999, a story began to circulate in a small, quiet town in Poland. Neighbors reported that a horse had been trapped in an abandoned pool for over a year. Initially confused by the animal’s pitiful cries, residents soon began to speak of strange sights a dark figure moving around the pool, … Read more

He is just swimming

He is just swimming

Do you like swimming? Then you must understand which is a safe place to swim even swimming in a pool is not safe as seen in It’s just a group of boys having fun. The boy suffered from Commotio Cordis which is a fatal blow to the chest. For instance, If an object – usually a ball – … Read more

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