It’s a mans work!

It's a mans work!

My buddy works for the power company. Sometimes he is outside up on a ladder against a power pole at 3:00 AM with the wind blowing, it’s raining and it’s 30 degrees trying to reconnect power that if he touches it, will vaporize him in a split second. When there is a storm he works … Read more

Defining Manhood and what is Masculine is subjective: Which narrative do you support?

Defining Manhood and what is Masculine is subjective: Which narrative do you support?

Men’s liberation is a dirty word to those who want to continue to oppress men, like allowing the slaves to be released to live a life defined in their own right. These tyrants claim to have ownership over men and how masculinity is defined. Incumbents of this defined existence (males) are bound to enact a … Read more

Horrid Tale

Horrid Tale

In my travels, upon the internet, I have found stories that at times made me feel, horrid in essence. I shall share this story, and do so with one mistake in the story, think of this as a test, to see if you truly feel empathy or just social outrage. Also Read: Shemgelena ( ሽምግልና) … Read more

Gaslighting, Pandora’s Gas Stove

Gaslighting, Pandora's Gas Stove

Gaslighting is a common form of abuse men face, an estimated 71% of abused men have questioned their own sanity, been lied to, and made to believe they are crazy. It is common for women to use this form of abuse specifically since it is done from the shadows, and naturally, women are risk adverts. … Read more

War and Men: History

War and Men: History

Throughout the ages, man has fought with itself, men of one tribe against men from another, in war, males seldom see compassion, even more so in the dark ages, and civil war onwards. Dark age warfare was very much iron, axe, and chainmail. Raids and pillaging, men were often killed outright or enslaved if they … Read more

Waste No Time Arguing What A Good Man Should Be: Allow men To Develop Completely And In Their Own Right

Waste No Time Arguing What A Good Man Should Be

Waste No Time Arguing What A Good Man Should Be: No individual is completely free. Both legally and socially, society imposes a multitude of restrictive “shoulds” on its members. The “shoulds”, developed over a long period, are a major vehicle for maintaining order. While they evolve and change, and sometimes allow for limited individual variation, … Read more

The Rise of the Asian Simp

The Rise of the Asian Simp

Ask most of the women in North America including Asian American/Canadian women, who are the least attractive men? They will probably say Asian most of the time. Here, Asian doesn’t mean any man from Asia—they usually mean Chinese or Japanese or Filipino, etc. When you ask them why you dislike Asian men, they usually have … Read more

The Western Woman

The Western Woman

There are known sayings that fathers say to their sons. For example, don’t do drugs, don’t hit people, don’t steal, and many other known don’ts. The new modern-day addition to the list is don’t get involved with western women. By western women, I don’t mean white women, I mean any woman with a western mentality. … Read more

The Canadian Scam

The Canadian Scam

Canada. A paradise of nature. It is believed that Canada takes in from half a million to one million immigrants every year. They say we need skilled labour. We are the second largest country in the world, yet we only have 40 million inhabitants. We have free healthcare and schooling. People from all over the … Read more