Marriage Is Just A Piece Of Paper: If you have not read my old article Matrimony is a Market and A man is a product. Please read it. So, let’s begin this article.
Marriage can be seen in two ways one is the legal system way and the other is the religious way. This article is for everyone which includes the normal man to the good wife.
To The Legal System: YES Marriage Is Just A Piece Of Paper
Feminists use the legal system to their advantage because they believe there is an inequality amongst the sexes and “men benefit in marriage and women do not“. To the feminist, not only is marriage not spiritually significant, it is either an opportunity to allow women to get ahead of men or it is not. Society has been pushed to a breaking point, trying to find a way to please feminists on this point. I’m here to tell you, NOTHING WILL PLEASE THEM, WE SHOULD STOP TRYING.
To the men out there, stop asking. “will this woman be faithful”, or “Is she good enough in bed to have sex with her the rest of my life”. A much better question is “Is she going to abuse the inevitable piece of paper connected to marriage itself, if not in the name of “gender equality” then in the name of selfishness.” This may sound very unromantic, but it is a new reality men have to deal with. Feminists have abused this so well for so long, that there is no escaping it. The last thing they care about is how a man feels about this. To be honest they don’t care about how a man feels anyhow.
In any case, if you get married and you are a male then You Pay Whatever the case/situation is. Let’s dig deeper into this point. In marriage:
If She stays: You pay
If your wife stays in the marriage then you pay for her and the children but then you need to fulfill the role of a provider, protector, etc.
If She goes: You pay
If you married her and she goes then you need to pay for alimony/divorce settlements and child support. She may file fake domestic violence or r*pe cases etc and as the law system is gynocentric a man is a criminal until proven innocent and a woman is a victim until proven guilty. So, you may land up in the jail. If you don’t pay the child support or alimony/divorce settlements then also you may end up in jail. You will be termed deadbeat etc etc. It doesn’t matter if you become homeless the money should be paid. The lawyers’ fees etc etc also need to be paid.
If She cheats: You pay
In many cases, you pay for the child which is not yours. If she cheats and you initiate the divorce then also you will have to pay even if you have the proof that she cheated.
If You go: You pay
If you get a domestic abuser or a narcissist or a gaslighter as a wife and you want to leave the marriage then also you pay.
To The Religious: NO Marriage Is Not Just A Piece Of Paper
To the religious, marriage is spiritually significant. Thus to end a marriage is spiritually significant. If not a sin, at least something to strongly think about more so than just the money.
To the religious, marriage is spiritually significant. Thus to end a marriage is also spiritually significant. If not a sin, then it is at least something to strongly think about more so than just the money. In fact we see all sorts of advice on how to be responsible regarding marriage in religion all over the world
When we look at the Christian bible we see “Philippians 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.” and Ephesians 5 21: describes an element of marriage to as “submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.” It seems to refer to married couples putting each other before oneself. Marriage itself is significant enough to insist that one do that from time to time. Not just a piece of paper.
Judaism takes marriage quite seriously and full credit to them, they require women (and in some cases, men) to attend classes on the Jewish laws of family purity by authorized private instructors. Let’s face it, learning about being married can’t hurt BEFORE one decides to get married! Either way, it is something “intellectual to do” to them. Not just a piece of paper.
The modern religion of Scientology has a “marriage course” although I could find nothing that says marriage couples are required to do it. They have the usual idea of monogamy in their book “the Way to Happiness” with “Sex is a big step on the way to happiness and joy. There is nothing wrong with it if it is followed with faithfulness and decency.”. A relationship is seen as “a big step in the way of happiness”, not just a piece of paper.
In Islam, sex and marriage is taken with a lot of economic advise! Qur’an 24:32 “AND [you ought to] marry the single from among you as well as such of your male and female slaves as are fit [for marriage]. If they [whom you intend to marry] are poor, [let this not deter you;] God will grant them sufficiency out of His bounty – for God is infinite [in His mercy], all-knowing” and 24:33 “… And as for those who are unable to marry, let them live in continence until God grants them sufficiency out of His bounty”. Essentially saying, get some money together, get your life together, THEN get married! Such preparation ultimately means, it is not just a piece of paper.
In Buddhism Marriage involves a blessing from monks and wishing the couple well and advise on “avoid the trouble it gives” such as avoiding being unfaithful and so on with things like “Not to be contented with one’s own wife, and to be seen with harlots and the wives of others—this is a cause of one’s downfall”, and lists seven “types of wives”, ”the first three types (the Killer, the Robber and the Tyrant wife) lead a life of unhappiness”.. Either way, we Buddhism saying that it is a big step in life that can give someone a lot of trouble. Not just a piece of paper.
Even in divorce religion has a lot to say.
In Christianity, Pope Saint John Paul II (Vatican, August 11, 1982) states, “The mutual relations of husband and wife should flow from their common relationship with Christ…. Love excludes every kind of subjection whereby the wife might become a servant or a slave of the husband, an object of unilateral domination.”. Basically saying, if love is slavery, it isn’t love any more and thus divorce is an option. Few people would disagree.
Judaism is incredibly complicated in its paperwork regarding divorce but I cannot help but compliment it. Paraphrasing ( A “Get” is the Hebrew word for divorce document. It is considered that a Jewish marriage is entered into by the issuance of a legal contract between husband and wife, thus it can be terminated only by the issuance of a legal writ nullifying the original contract. Considering the lives of two people are at stake, one cannot help but think giving it a bit of time to think it over as paperwork goes through is a good idea!
In Islam, there is a waiting period before a divorce is final. Again, we see religion insisting that a coupe take some time to think about it! The Qur’an [2:231] “When you divorce women and they have almost reached the end of their waiting period, either retain them honourably or let them go honourably. But do not retain them only to harm them or to take advantage of them. Whoever does that surely wrongs his own soul.” (and pretty much the nail on the head that marriage ISN’T just a piece of paper in Islam) “Do not take Allah’s revelations lightly.”
In Hinduism, A representation of the equality of men and women is Shiva and Shakti. Seven Shiva Secrets, In this book, it is demonstrated through numerous stories and instances that God and nature have always regarded men and women as being on an equal footing. A clear illustration of this is the Ardhanarishvara form of Shiva and Shakti.
In Buddhism… Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda has said “if a husband and wife really cannot live together, instead of leading a miserable life and harboring more jealousy, anger and hatred, they should have the liberty to separate and live peacefully.” Heck, one cannot fault that for being a pretty good goal in divorce. You may hate your ex but AT LEAST desire peace for them by staying away from them! Not bad advise if you ask me.
Scientology has a ritual called “Mariage counselling”. The couple confesses transgressions they have done to each other that destroyed the marriage in the presence of a Chaplin or counsellor. Heck, if a marriage is over, you may as well let your ex know all about what you’ve done! It might take time, but heck one cannot say it is pointless.
Lets face it, the religion got a lot of things right and thinks divorce isn’t something one should do for the sake of it. Today’s feminists don’t care. When divorce comes, they will push the idea that any injustice happening to man is just “in the direction of equality”. Religion at least had a perspective that gave men in a broken relationship, and marriage itself, more dignity than that.
In conclusion, I can only mention the idea of Karma and agreement between couples. If you do not value marriage, if you consider it “just a piece of paper” you probably won’t meet someone who values it. If you do, things probably will go sour for you. If you are a good marriage-minded man, never forget that you need a woman who DOESN’T consider marriage “just a piece of paper”. If they do, things will probably go sour for you.
A good marriage-minded woman seems to be a needle in the grass or a diamond in a coal mine. She is very rare in society, and feminists aren’t helping! I can only say, consider help from the god I believe in. The Bible says “House and wealth are inherited from fathers, but a prudent wife is from the LORD.” Proverbs 19:14.
For what it is worth, whether you are religious or not, peace and may the God bless you!!

I am Vivek Singh owner and publisher of I am a journalist by profession. I did my Bachelor’s in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University Jharkhand and my Master’s in the same from Central University of Jharkhand grabbing the gold medal.
I am a Men’s Rights Activist, International Men’s Day and World Day of the Boy Child India coordinator, and Global Media coordinator for both of these days.
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As a anti-religious man, marriage is also away for organised religion to have mind control over us humans. You can be stuck in terrible marriage and cannot divorce due religion. You know, ‘what will God think etc etc’ not to mention the culture bought around by the same.
Personally, I never did fancy religious women, cause most do start saying that God and in some cases, the religious figure (most likely a man) is the most important person in it and as the husband you should adhere to it and also kiss that person’s a– if you want the marriage to continue.
I can’t say that non religious marriages are much better, but it’s all the same…..
It’s a wide spectrum IMO.