Cancel Culture: Snow white Disney ride

Dr. Seuss‘ 6 books were canceled by the cancel culture gang for offensive imagery based on racism.

Dr. Seuss' 6 books cancelled by cancel culture gang for offensive imagery based on racism.

If this is the case then the Quran, Bible, or Gita all are offensive to someone, cancel culture gang should get them all canceled. Will erasing art make us wise or smart? There are serious various issues to be addressed before this like equity in COVID-19 vaccines, equity in education, and equity in opportunity, etc. History cannot be changed. We need to put this book in front to show that at that point in time, it was okay but today it’s not. He has written over 40 books from 1870-2021. We need to have a conversation.

We need to ask ourselves. Are non-racist books from a racist writer okay?

Mr. Potato Head was canceled by the cancel culture

How woke and pathetic is it that Mr Potato Head is having a name change to just Potato Head so it’s classed as gender-neutral?

Mr.Potato Head cancelled by the cancel culture

Snow white Disney ride was canceled by cancel culture because of “a kiss without consent”

First, we need to understand that it’s not a moral story, it’s a fairy tale. It’s part of a children’s story which is fully harmless. Disney chooses the exact story to portray it. Those people are sick in the head and need mental evaluation (those who want to cancel it). This is how he saves snow white.

A question: What would have happened to the story if he had waited for her consent while she was in a coma? No one thinks like that. Left is going too far with it. If you are offended then don’t watch anything and don’t get on the ride.

A few pieces of advice for those who get offended are:

Advice 1: Sit in your home alone(after covid-19 lock-down too)

Advice 2: Don’t get involved with anyone and don’t get triggered. But let others live as they want. There are many problems in the world that need to be fixed as a priority.

Also Read: The Making And The Propagation of A Woke Theory

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