Is being a male a crime in today’s society? From when this biased second-class citizen behavior against a man starts? Is it the time from when the boy child is in the womb? Even before birth, how can you label someone a rapist? Below are a few examples of how feminists today make others see men in a bad light, promoting men’s hate that is misandry.
Man Shares Criticism: Misogynist
What does any free country/democracy allow? Right to freedom of speech and expression. But today, if you say anything against women where they are wrong, wait no more you will be termed a misogynist.
Isn’t this hypocrisy?
Man shares frustration: Incel (Involuntary Celibates)
Women are not held accountable for a condition they are responsible for creating. They feel no responsibility or obligation to men, although the opposite is true regarding men’s and women’s expectations of them. Let’s take away some basic needs of women that they have relied upon men for, such as money/sustenance, as was the case in the past, and put them down for the consequences of their deprivation. Misandry, combined with selfish monetary/financial demands for men when women have taken half, consists of the core contributors to the problem. To apply the derogatory term incel to men is, therefore, hypocritical.
Also Read: The Bossy Feminists
According to Wikipedia, it’s due to men’s failures to secure sex and convince women to have sex with them. What kind of horse crap is this: a man is reduced to a mere beggar for his sexual fulfillment and must appease an inferior female quality in character to get it?
Man Expresses Anger: Fragile
When a man expresses anger, these feminists judge that the man is fragile without knowing or showing the reason behind it. The bitterness created mainly by females as not allowing the child to meet her father and only asking for alimony or women cheating or sleeping with many men is totally ignored. Like in the recent Will Smith slaps Chris Rock, the real person behind this was Jada, the Wife of Will Smith, who mainly was saved or ignored, who led Will Smith to slap Chris Rock.
Man Expresses Sadness: Weak
“Mard ko dard nahi hota hai” or “Men Don’t Feel the Pain,” a classic dialogue that became an emblem of male camaraderie in India, cites the normalization of neglecting even a crucial sensation as ‘pain’ to symbolize the restriction over honoring personal emotions. Unfortunately, such small persuasions and hints in the environment affect a child’s mind to entangle him in a vicious cycle of validation to become ‘an ideal man.’
Man Shares Emotions Other Than Happiness: Emotional Labour
Men with mental illnesses are also less likely to have received mental health treatment than women in the past year. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, men are more likely to die by suicide than women. This highlights the grotesque consequence of ignorance towards healthy expression patterns and work-life balance.
Man Shares No Emotions at All: Toxic Masculinity
Many reap the benefits of men and their masculine attributes but condemn masculinity without due credit for the good men have accomplished. For every male criminal, there are thousands of male heroes.
When men take foolish risks, its ‘toxic masculinity, but when they take heroic risks, often required performing the duties of a police officer or firefighter or in needed hazardous occupation of a miner or logger, the credit is either unnoticed or taken away by feminists. The media is notorious for doing this.
When a man commits a crime like murder or rape or expresses aggression through war, masculinity is targeted and blamed under the premise that all masculinity is toxic. However, all the pros of men and masculinity are exempt by this feminist assessment, and some of the negative evaluation includes typical male characteristics that feminists don’t like (e.g., the male’s sexuality, commonly condemned or used by women to get what they want from men). The heroes portrayed in movies, too, show aggression, violence, and ambition unchecked by conscience. These are examples of toxic masculinity. All that makes up toxic masculinity (defined by feminists) is if the male identity doesn’t somehow benefit women. If there is no positive masculinity in the world, then toxic masculinity will increase as toxic people (including toxic femininity) will set the standard. No positive masculinity or positive femininity will exist to fight it, either. Masculinity doesn’t always destroy by causing wars; it helps to defeat tyranny or dictatorships often necessary in response to war. Also, remember that through men, masculinity is often used as a tool, if not by the government, by women, in which case men are pawns–this form of masculinity can be toxic (e.g., chivalry). As for the economy, when a male becomes a thief, feminists attribute toxic masculinity as the cause, but when economies grow, credit is either exempted or taken by women.
So, men are stuck/caught between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. Wherever a man goes, it’s his loss.

I am Vivek Singh owner and publisher of I am a journalist by profession. I did my Bachelor’s in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University Jharkhand and my Master’s in the same from Central University of Jharkhand grabbing the gold medal.
I am a Men’s Rights Activist, International Men’s Day and World Day of the Boy Child India coordinator, and Global Media coordinator for both of these days.
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