Dating Pool In the 21st Century

You must have heard many men saying “Don’t Worry there are plenty of fish in the sea!“. Women are like buses or trains one goes then the other comes but Is that so? Are the women available in the dating pool quality women? or used up left for others? Today in this article I will write about me and my pool, It may be similar for you too.

[Note: This article is not intended to be a reference to all the girls but if it has hurt anyone’s feelings I am sorry for that.]

Hit The Wall/Wall Approaching/Single Mother

When these women were young they used to get railed by some XYZ dude and now when they are near or already had hit the wall they want us to date them now they are ready for us in the dating pool. We support men and women dating and marrying and taking their marriage to the end of their life. She now with someone else’s kids wants to settle down where her kids are her life and you are a helping hand playing someone else’s saved game. The guy by whom she got impregnated should take care of their kids.

High Maintainance/Gold Digger

Many women now in the dating pool are high maintenance. Their dress makeup etc will burn your wallet. They are with you for your money and societal status and when your status and money are gone they are gone too. Who wants to date that bad character woman?

Not Real/Caked In Makeup

These women are baked in makeup and not pure by heart. They have fake nails, fake eyelashes, fake eyelashes, fake hair, fake hair color. They try to hide their rude/true self.


Everywhere men are termed as the perpetrators of crime and women are victims but

Remember what Amber Heard said to Johnny Depp.”

“Tell the world, Johnny Depp, tell them, I, Johnny Depp, a man, I am a victim too of domestic violence, and see how many people believe or side with you.” – Amber Heard

Spoilt/Rude/Narcissist/Solipsism (Her feelings are her reality)

These women are spoilt and rude. They are arrogant too. During their peak con guys and simps fulfils their all wishes. They give everything they want from attention to things.

Narcissists just want one thing from you that is your reaction. They seek a constant supply of attention and admiration. So, don’t feed them. This is referred to as narcissist supply which also includes validation, reassurance, power, and control.

So, in the case of solipsism, the other person’s feelings are non-existent, but her feelings are her reality. According to her, the other person’s feelings are illusions created in their mind or speculative and hypothetical. She thinks that the world(others) revolves around her.


When shit hits the fan no one hides behind a feminist. These Pseudo-Feminist don’t want true equality. They want equality when convenient.

Also Read: It’s so hypocritical that men’s masculinity is toxic for feminists but if it benefits them directly or indirectly then it isn’t

No personal Hygiene/Disease

Many of the women in the dating pool have STDs and other disease. They don’t shave and all. Who wants to date them?

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5 thoughts on “Dating Pool In the 21st Century”

  1. I revel in reading and listening to young men, who have survived the unrelenting onslaught of misandry and male bashing dished out by the femocracy that owns and operates the “public education system” and lived (without committing suicide) to speak about it. A testament to the strength and resiliancy of the human mind.

  2. Excellent article Vivek! AGREE with all your points EXCEPT: “The Father should take care of the kids” I believe the Father has a right to joint custody and the mother should PAY the other half. If he doesn’t want that arrangement then he has to pay something, but the FATHER should have the SAME options as the mother!


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