The Tinder Swindler (MRA Review)

This Netflix documentary is one of the most interesting and important films to come out on streaming in the last few years. Not because of the reasons that you might think. It is very important for men to watch this movie to understand how most modern women think and behave. The documentary is about a man who scams women after meeting them online on Tinder. He takes their credit cards, or he simply convinces them to spend money on him. He uses their credit cards to spend money on himself and on his next victim until he convinces the next one to share her credit card and the scam continues like that. He attracts those women online by posting his rich lifestyle pictures and videos. Cars, planes, money, women, etc.

Also Read:
The Matrix of Female Manipulation
The Western Woman

If you look deeper, you will see that there is a lot to learn in this film about women and about their nature. Millions of women use male nature to their benefit every day through manipulation and seduction. Millions of men lost and are losing their income, belongings, assets, and even their own children right now too because they believed that women were those angels who would never take advantage of them. And the world we live in encourages women to manipulate men using seduction. Then suddenly the Tinder Swindler showed up to turn the tables on many women.

Even though what he did was wrong because he scammed many women and took millions from them, he showed all of us men that women can be easily deceived just like men if a man is willing to use their own nature against them. And that is their hypergamous nature. Those women sold themselves, their bodies, and their time to that man because he simply showed them wealth and assets. They were so blinded by his wealth that they willingly spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on him because they thought they were investing in him. Even though he showed so much wealth, they still spent all that money on him because they were in a state of total delusion and slavery to their own hypergamous nature.

We were asked to feel bad for those women. Feel bad for women when they are manipulated by a man…but at the same time encourage women to seduce and manipulate men. Shout and say you go girl!

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