Some small-minded, black or white ‘thinkers’ call me a feminist for sharing some of the same views feminists do. But I also share some of the same views religious trad/cons do, but that doesn’t make me one of them.
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Ironically, feminists and religious trad/cons have much more in common with each other when it comes to misandry and a lack of regard for men. Neither one of them gives a damn about men or men being deprived an existence defined in their own right. Both camps lack empathy and consideration for men. One drinks a cup full of male tears and makes a declaration to “kill all men” while the other shames men for not being ‘good enough’ and even tells them they can never be victims. (Sounds like something that Hillary Clinton said regarding men being killed in war as not being the victims as are women.) Haven’t we also heard that men can’t be victims from the calloused religious trad/cons and that if a woman mistreats a man ‘he deserves it’ as we have from feminists? In addition, the religious trad/cons, blindly worshiping women, say that if a woman isn’t happy, it’s the man’s fault if she leaves him. Right? How is this any different than the feminist version of saying “Happy wife, happy life”?
Both camps use derogatory terms for men. Instead of helped due to a disadvantage and deprivation, men are condemned (e.g. incels, weak men). Shaming techniques are included in referring to ‘weak men’ as ‘betas’ and that a worthy man needs to be an alpha. The extreme callousness regarding men is shared by both camps. What’s the difference between humiliation for men’s lack of equal consideration to women and victim-shaming in one case versus the other? Both the religious trad/cons and feminists hate men. One merely wants to use them in the process. “Take it (your abuse) like a man” and “Man-up.” Don’t be a victim (even if you are one). This religious trad/con mentality feeds male suicide just as feminists want (e.g. “Kill all men”). Men not being recognized as victims makes them the biggest victims of all.
How are men ever going to get justice and care for their abuse and mistreatment unless they are recognized for it? Feminists have continued to make anti-male laws that have gone unopposed by religious trad/cons, yet this persecution doesn’t qualify men as victims even to the point of male suicide rates being the highest they have ever been. Not acknowledging male victimhood (e.g. “Man up”) and a calloused disregard for men is shared by feminists ‘drinking male tears’ in their common disregard of men–the same anti-male sentiment. Basically, it takes the feminist being blinded by misandry as it takes a blind and dishonest faith-based jackass to not see this, with both not being honest enough to admit it due to their own agendas.
If we help men, they first need to be seen as needing help (victims). In addition, men’s liberation from their extreme oppression must come first before we can improve societal conditions for all. No exclusive needs can be attributed to men unless we give men the same value and consideration we give to women. If men don’t count in their own right as equals to women as victims demonstrated by misandric societal conditions that have been allowed, why would any self-respecting man ever want to perpetuate such a society? The human species is doomed under the self-evident misandrist mentality unanimously possessed by both camps. And this is why from even a societal perspective we need to have something better.
Men owe society no more than women do, especially when they are treated so poorly as second-class or even third-class citizens. (Animals/pets are as a common standard treated much better.) Many forget that both men and women are in the same societal boat which will sink, taking with it both men and women unless something drastically changes. (At least by men sacrificing themselves they will in this way take some very evil and unworthy people with them.) A rude awakening is in store for women who have a lot more to lose if real equality standards were to be implemented. They must be taken off their pedestals and from their ‘women first’ status.
Men’s liberation from being ‘real men’ without equal rights or acknowledged as victims and callously discarded, without equal status, personal/individual value and consideration, all needs to change and come first before society improves. Otherwise, such a dehumanized society as it now stands isn’t worth saving. And this is not going to come from either the religious trad/cons or the feminists.

Alan Millard continues to be a prominent men’s equality advocate since the early ’80s. He began writing his first book, Equality: A Man’s Claim, in the Spring of 1983. He has been thereafter continually affiliated with the major men’s rights organizations and has contributed many articles, radio, and some television broadcasts. His work includes research conducted through his graduate and doctoral coursework and knowledge acquired through his independent studies and colleague associations as a university professor. He heads the group Men’s Equality on Facebook. He is the author of three books addressing men’s equality concerns. His most recent book, A Flaw From Within: How Women’s Higher Status Defies Equal Justice, Violates Men, and Destroys Society, is available through Amazon.
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