Do you like swimming? Then you must understand which is a safe place to swim even swimming in a pool is not safe as seen in It’s just a group of boys having fun. The boy suffered from Commotio Cordis which is a fatal blow to the chest. For instance, If an object – usually a ball – hits a youth directly over the heart during a certain brief period in the cardiac cycle, it can trigger commotio cordis, a rare and often fatal disruption of the heartbeat. Here is another story related to it where the boy jumps into an old and unhygienic pool.
The person who jumped into the pool was a 19-year-old boy. The shocking thing is that the pool in which he jumped was too old and it had a high level of germs and too many diseases, one of them was BRAIN EATING AMOEBA (it’s an organism which gets into your brain and starts harming your brain by dividing themselves after a certain time you would die. It’s commonly found in mud and dirty water or an unhygienic pool) the person jumped and took that organism in huge amounts on himself and he d**d after this video.
Brain-Eating Amoeba (Naegleria Fowleri)
Naegleria fowleri, also known as the brain-eating amoeba, is a single-celled organism found in warm freshwater.
Transmission: This infection occurs when the contaminated water reaches the brain through the nose.
Infection: It causes a brain infection namely primary amebic meningoencephalitis (PAM) which is rare but can cause de*th.
Symptoms: Initial symptoms are similar to bacterial meningitis and include severe headache, fever, nausea, and vomiting.
Diagnosis: Diagnosis is challenging due to the rapid advancement of symptoms. It requires specialized tests to detect the amoeba.
Prevention: Avoid nasal contact with untreated water, especially during activities like swimming in warm freshwater lakes or ponds and in this case an old and unhygienic pool.

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