Do Men or Women Cheat More?

Do Men or Women Cheat More?

Cheating is significantly more prevalent than you may realize. It would help if you didn’t absolve yourself of the responsibility for your past infidelity. This is not an extremely rare incident; many others have shared your situation. Nonetheless, how common is it? Is it anything to which we are genetically predisposed? Does one’s gender indicate … Read more



Human beings are social beings, awarded with conscience and with the ability to ‘emote’ which connects us all in deeper levels. The virtues of compassion and empathy stem from the upbringing provided since our childhood; the space to express completely, the voice to raise concerns on personal selves without hesitation. This basic requirement of an … Read more



“Women are empowered, alas empowerment comes at a price in the hands of a few corrupt individuals.”: THE MYTH OF ‘WAR-FREE’ FEMALE RULERS Also Read: War and Men: History The rulers in the world history till date have been lauded or scrutinized for their leadership; the consequences or loopholes being evident and rightfully discussed by … Read more

Is Mario a Simp?

Is Mario a Simp

In this modern era of digital entrainment, we all play many different kinds of video games for fun in our leisure time. And as gamers, we all played hugely popular Super Mario games. It was one of the best and most popular games when released worldwide but Is Mario a Simp? People who love gaming … Read more

Marriage, Divorce, and Family Courts

Marriage, Divorce, and Family Courts

I led a group for divorcing, divorced, and single fathers for about 10 years. Here’s what I saw over and over from more than a thousand men that came to our group for help; Also Read: Stages of A Dying Marriage/The Broken Marriage There is at least a 50% chance you will be divorced. The … Read more

It’s a mans work!

It's a mans work!

My buddy works for the power company. Sometimes he is outside up on a ladder against a power pole at 3:00 AM with the wind blowing, it’s raining and it’s 30 degrees trying to reconnect power that if he touches it, will vaporize him in a split second. When there is a storm he works … Read more

Boy Break Machine

Boy Break Machine

Often people think being male has various perks, granted these perks only seem to matter to those with a high degree of neuroticism. Yet I can assure you as a child my life had very few perks in it. I was very tall for my age, 5’11 in elementary, or Primary as you may know, … Read more

Horrid Tale

Horrid Tale

In my travels, upon the internet, I have found stories that at times made me feel, horrid in essence. I shall share this story, and do so with one mistake in the story, think of this as a test, to see if you truly feel empathy or just social outrage. Also Read: Shemgelena ( ሽምግልና) … Read more

Gaslighting, Pandora’s Gas Stove

Gaslighting, Pandora's Gas Stove

Gaslighting is a common form of abuse men face, an estimated 71% of abused men have questioned their own sanity, been lied to, and made to believe they are crazy. It is common for women to use this form of abuse specifically since it is done from the shadows, and naturally, women are risk adverts. … Read more

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