Who invented tampons?

Who invented tampons?

Who invented tampons?: IT WAS A MAN WHO INVENTED TAMPONS…Dr. Earle Haas. The whole “women are victims of systemic oppression” narrative is completely false! In a world without tampons and pads for their cycles, painkillers and anti-inflammatories for their cramps, no OSHA to make work safe, no employment standards to make work fair, and no … Read more

Feminist H*ts and gets h*t

Feminist Hits and gets hit

When you hit someone first, you are a fool not to expect a hit back, especially if you are a feminist. But is the hammer of justice really unisex? Will a feminist who hits get a hit back, whatever their gender is? Also Read: The Feminist Approach to Men’s Mental Health By Using The Terms … Read more



Marriage is no longer as sacred as we thought. If it were, there would be no need for women to cheat, lie, disrespect, go to courts and file fake cases, show fake proofs and destroy families. If women are not considering it sacred, we men must also adapt equally by following these safe marriage tips. … Read more

The Feminist Approach to Men’s Mental Health By Using The Terms Like – “K*ll all men,” “I drink male tears,” and “Male, pale and stale” etc.

The Feminist Approach to Men's Mental Health By Using The Terms Like - "K*ll all men," "I drink male tears," and "Male, pale and stale" etc.

Many feminists today don’t want equality they are misandrists as the points I will write below will not be said by someone who wants equality. They are hypocritical as they support only those who fulfill their political agenda if they are wrong too!! “K*ll all men” Is this phrase non-misandric? Someone is just saying to … Read more

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