Do you know that the word misandry exists? And if so, what it means? Many who are not following the Men’s Rights Movement don’t know about it. So, first, we will explain misandry, and then we will discuss its types.
The phrase “misandry” refers to hatred, bias, or discrimination against men or boys based on their gender. It is just the opposite of misogyny, which is the hatred or prejudice against women. Misandry can take many different forms, such as harmful stereotypes, prejudiced attitudes, unjust treatment, or systematic discrimination against males.
Misandry is rather ignored by the media, governments, courts, etc. There is little (or no) research or funds allocated to research the crime and hatred against men, so the data is less. The coverage is very low by the media so there is little awareness. Only the sufferers know it. The law in addition to this is gynocentric not providing men justice as an equal part of society.
To ignore misandry feminists say that it is less common and less ubiquitous than misogyny, which traditionally has been more pervasive. That is a totally false statement.
5 TYPES OF Misandrists
Deniers: “Misandry Doesn’t Exist”
These types of Misandrists don’t accept that there is such a thing as misandry. Instead of processing the hard truth and becoming better people they choose denial. Or they double down and hypocritically choose something that is not right but convenient to Feminists’ Goals and call it equality. That’s the biggest problem.
Minimizers: “Misandry Only Hurts Feelings”
Now after the deniers, there are the ones who accept that Misandry exists but they try to minimize the effects. They say that misandry only hurts feelings and doesn’t have any major consequences, so it should be ignored as it’s not a major concern. But again that is wrong. Misandry has caused major hate crimes in the past, present, and maybe in the future. A few examples are listed below:
Justifiers “Misandry is a Response To Misogyny”
Then we have the justifiers who justify misandry saying it’s a response to misogyny but two wrongs can’t make one right. There are a few misogynists present among males but misogyny is not a standard in males as misandry is in women. So, It’s a baseless argument. Why due to one misogynist all males should be treated with the same hate and vice-versa?
Diverters “The Issue Is Misogyny”
These types of misandrists try to justify their hate of men by disguising it to be Misogyny.
Projectors “You Hate Women”
The projectors say that you are a misogynist so you think I am a Misandrist. For their act, they blame the other person. The issue in reality is misandry rather than misogyny.
Types of Misandry
Commonly referred to as Chivalry, Placing women above men (on a pedestal). Men were groomed from boyhood as disposable pawns to serve women to define their ‘manhood’.
Feminism is modern in nature which is referred to as Modern Misandry. Modern Misandry(or Feminism) is still reminiscent of the same traditional misandry.
Just like the comedian, Jeff Foxworthy in his routine skit says, “You might be a redneck if…,” well you might be a white/knight simp if you:
Open a door for a woman and have her go first (e.g. Ladies first);
Do not expect a woman to pay on a date;
Do not insist that a woman equally makes the initial approach in the social/dating scene.
Protect a woman over a man;
Favor women in an argument whether she’s right or not;
Cater to her selfish demands (e.g. Happy wife, happy life);
Give a woman a lesser sentence to a man for the same crime committed;
Also Read: Is Mario a Simp?
Routinely give mothers custody over fathers;
Cheat men in divorce settlements, allocating alimony and child support;
Allow women to get away with murder, especially if it’s of a man;
Pander to women’s false allegations (due to their pedestal status, believe all women);
Make subjective laws that work at women’s discretion at the expense of men–e.g. VAWA, Title IX, Rape Shield Laws;
Save a woman’s life over a man’s–the Titanic tragedy always provides a good example of this.
[Note: You can’t blame feminism for most of this but a female bias, commonly referred to as chivalry, rooted in our culture. A legitimate men’s equality effort opposes all this just as it has from the start.]

I am Vivek Singh owner and publisher of I am a journalist by profession. I did my Bachelor’s in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University Jharkhand and my Master’s in the same from Central University of Jharkhand grabbing the gold medal.
I am a Men’s Rights Activist, International Men’s Day and World Day of the Boy Child India coordinator, and Global Media coordinator for both of these days.
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