There’s this mindset that women are supposed to be protected regardless, even if they are wrong (a protected class, which, by the way, is unconstitutional). Men are sacrificial in that they are not protected even if they are right. This happens in the social scene as well as in laws and criminal acts committed. Deeming men to be predators or creeps or in*els for just existing hinges on this very premise of injustice per false allegations, combined with more accountability supporting a lynch mob mentality, a societal condition far from equal justice. Women are not held accountable with laws sculpted to serve them at men’s expense, with less severe sentencing for the same crimes committed or the crime itself is tailored only to holding men accountable to begin with and a woman serving a shorter, if any, jail time, often for a crime a man would be sentenced to a much longer time or even charged. He is often even charged with a crime for which a woman wouldn’t be, even if she is the guilty party (e.g. domestic violence cases). [The imbalance is so severe that what is horrible if caused by men to women is laughable if done by women to men.] The stats. and examples are out there, including when a man and a woman if both indulge in s*x while they are intoxicated the man is guilty of r*pe; when a woman se*ually assaults a man as striking him in his testicles or openly feels him up.
We all know this is true but many of us want to deny it ‘because they’re women’. Or, denying something allows it to go unaddressed, especially if those with the influence and power are the ones denying it–women.
Thus, even our culturalized thinking/mental process is skewed from the start due to early indoctrination. This basic cultural mindset is what needs to change in order to have liberty and equal justice for all–ironically something that the USA prides itself in supposedly representing. Sadly, culture trumps equal justice.
This cultural female bias that permeates throughout society is a poison that affects our daily lives all the way from the social dating/mating scene to marriage, divorce and child custody to the laws and having liberty and equal justice for all, men no less included. For those who are perceptive as well as honest, the injustice is so self-evident that it’s difficult to tolerate. Others, have come to accept it and become calloused to it. Still, others due to the tyrannical persecution of men, fear speaking out due to the personal, social and political repercussions that could mean for them. The more people enlightened with the truth and can relate to others in possession of the same, the less fearful they will be about opening up and even potentially doing something about it, depending on their position of power and political influence. We must try our best to educate and influence those around us and any sphere of influence we may possess. There exists nothing wrong with conveying the truth to others but more of a civil duty for those of us who still give a shit. Love, just-mindedness, conscience and kindness are all lacking in society–components that need so badly to be incorporated in to our thinking and human/humane existence. Upon this premise can be built a society, not perfect but the closest we can get as human beings.

Alan Millard continues to be a prominent men’s equality advocate since the early ’80s. He began writing his first book, Equality: A Man’s Claim, in the Spring of 1983. He has been thereafter continually affiliated with the major men’s rights organizations and has contributed many articles, radio, and some television broadcasts. His work includes research conducted through his graduate and doctoral coursework and knowledge acquired through his independent studies and colleague associations as a university professor. He heads the group Men’s Equality on Facebook. He is the author of three books addressing men’s equality concerns. His most recent book, A Flaw From Within: How Women’s Higher Status Defies Equal Justice, Violates Men, and Destroys Society, is available through Amazon.
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