If sex is all that a woman brings to the table, she’s going to have a rude awakening when she ‘hits the wall’. Part of women experiencing the effect of hitting the wall is also humiliation unless they alter their behavior. The effect includes women’s expressions used to convey their charm and flirtation matched to their sexual assets. When a woman continues after this point to use sexy gestures/behavior and they no longer match up, she comes across as gross and a bit repulsive, like presenting spoiled food for a hungry pallet yet conveying it to be delicious.
After years of sexually flaunting themselves, women’s exploitation of their female assets at men’s expense comes to haunt them later (karma). If sex was not women’s main selling point (value), the wall will not be there as much. They have their honed sexual assets, sure, but how they use them is what matters. Their teasing and sexual deceit would not be something that would, based on a superficial and phony self-absorbed existence, be lost because there would be more to them than that. They would consist of good character as was more the case with women of past generations.
Without any other assets to go with it, women now hit the wall harder than ever before. However, due to women’s sexual value coming at men’s sexual deprivation (expense) is this not a more fitting consequence? Karma is a bitch, and it comes in different packages. If you try to fool Mother Nature, to include deceiving, entraping and teasinng men, she can rightfully be a bitch to women too.
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Female character will prevail whether good or bad to serve women appropriately by either their egotistical traits and being self-absorbed misandrists or by being kind and giving women with more to offer men, society and generations to come. A better female character will, and did in the past, bridge the gap between women being in their sexual prime and hitting the wall.
Only a misandrist fool would, without the brains to comprehend the truth or honesty to convey it, claim it’s women who are the ones cheated due to men’s ‘superficial’ sexual assessment of women. Rather, they would honestly admit it’s due to women exploiting men’s sexual needs and criminalizing men through their sexuality. (If sex is superficial, then why is rape not considered superficial?)
It’s like putting a gun into the hands of a spoiled child. How that gun is used and who is allowed to use it is the issue. If women are like irresponsible, spoiled children they should not have the same freedoms as an adult does. Hold women equally accountable to men, especially pertaining to the sexual powers they exclusively possess over men. Laws made and behavior used to purposely entrap men, are examples of an abuse of women’s exclusive power.
Sex goes to waste when misandry and a disunity between men and women exists. What is normally (and naturally) made to please and fulfill a need (no less than food) is used to poison its designed benefactor (intended consumer designed by nature) just as is a flower blossom designed to attract a bee, or a steak cooked and seasoned to satiate the hungry pallat of its intended consumer. But rather, it’s now used to tease and gain ‘self-worth’ at the expense of others and their extreme disappointment (victims) who are then even made fun of, calling them incels for it.
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Is there not some form of justice to be recognized by the outcome? Imagine the same practice applied to animals and how one getting off on depriving them what they need (e.g. food) to boost their self-worth (egos) would go over. (Provide a cripple a rubber crutch and then laugh about that.)
When a woman who gets value from the effect experiences a loss of this ability, is this not a good thing due to how she had used it? We need to ask ourselves–Is not the character in the person who does this (whether it be to an animal or a human, either one) not the same in character? Is not the woman who sadistically teases the man not of the same character as the one who cruelly teases an animal? We are told only to not tease animals, not men who are in many ways rated below them.
A woman teases an elephant and is punished for it. (12) Elephant Flings Woman Trying To Tease It With Bananas – YouTube
Do we somehow compensate men for their sexual deprivation? No, instead we condemn men for even having their sexual needs. When women have no money, or are dependent on men for money, men in contrast being groomed to serve women from boyhood, were not inclined to treat women like this. Instead they have strived to please women when they were in need of something, even pertaining to what is much less important than sex is to men.
The imbalance comes in the form of the female’s bad character and is well conveyed under the mask of outward beauty/appearance–extreme deceit. When expressed by modern women it is not something for which they are held accountable, yet they are allowed by deceit to violate and criminalize men per recent entrapment laws designed to do so.
Men themselves often pose the biggest obstacle to men acquiring equality to women. These scumballs are still patronizing women in the face of men’s extreme abuse and mass injustices being committed against men. These are the men who need to be shamed, many coined ‘alpha’ males as men are once again being pitted against each other in favor of, and in competition for, women. (It doesn’t get much sicker than this.) They are the problem causing the imbalance and injustices directly contributing to men’s dire circumstances. These ‘alpha’ assholes are feeding the problem on all fronts by failing to hold women accountable while at the same time placing more on males to make up for it, appeasing a lower quality of women and poorer conditions for men to exist. These men pretending to help men by conforming them to their idea of men (in many cases merely religious trad/con nut-jobs) are the enemy of men and a just society, encouraging and promoting the problem. They express no regard for men other than as for some use, not addressing their common abuse, standardized mistreatment or their equal rights.
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Why is it so easy for men to hate other men in favor of women? The answer lies in our culture and what is commonly referred to as chivalry–accurately referred to as traditional misandry. A large part of male oppression in our society is due to men being pitted against each other in favor of women. In addition to the above mentioned, this is expressed in laws made by men favoring women at men’s expense such as the VAWA, Title IX, rape shield laws, etc. Hopefully, we can at least come to realize this perspective in accurately assessing the problem in the fight for men’s equality.

Alan Millard continues to be a prominent men’s equality advocate since the early ’80s. He began writing his first book, Equality: A Man’s Claim, in the Spring of 1983. He has been thereafter continually affiliated with the major men’s rights organizations and has contributed many articles, radio, and some television broadcasts. His work includes research conducted through his graduate and doctoral coursework and knowledge acquired through his independent studies and colleague associations as a university professor. He heads the group Men’s Equality on Facebook. He is the author of three books addressing men’s equality concerns. His most recent book, A Flaw From Within: How Women’s Higher Status Defies Equal Justice, Violates Men, and Destroys Society, is available through Amazon.
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