The simple answer to the question Why is dating so hard for guys? is: Dating for girls is like shopping and Dating for guys is like a job interview. In my previous article I talked about Matrimony is a Market and A man is a product. The dating scene comes a bit earlier and is common for all the Western and Indian cultures.
Online dating/or dating in general for girls is like a shopping window. Internet dating apps such as Tinder as well as OkCupid have developed an unreasonable discrepancy, where an individual is required to have a ‘best’ bio as well as professionally shot pictures as well as ideally resemble Ryan Reynolds, whereas females can take selfies in an improperly lit room as well and still obtain 10 times the matches of the average man. A guy to get 1 to 2 matches needs to be an excellent conversationalist, a lady would all at once be speaking with 10 guys and also has the luxury of ghosting any of them.
In this case, women are on a pedestal and men are used by women as pawns serving them that too from boyhood. Men are treated as second-class citizens from the past and it was termed as chivalry (traditional misandry) and now chivalry is a part of feminism (modern misandry).
Also Read: A Flaw From Within few Consciously Realize Exists
Why is dating so hard for guys in 2024?
Even in 2024, a substantial majority of males are required to initiate talks and dates, or else they will lose out on possible romantic chances.
They fear rejection too. The max she can say is No, but It’s not true she may slap, humiliate, and destroy the mental state of a man. Will he get the courage to ask any girl out again? Why a female can’t initiate talks in 2024 just because she will be judged? No, she is on a pedestal.
[Pro Tip: First try to approach girls 10-15 times lower than your level. The chances of your acceptance are too high. Once you get experience and unfortunately get a breakup try to increase your level.
How to know her level?
- Facial Beauty (Your face is more beautiful/good-looking than hers)
- Skin Colour (You are very fair/fair/little fair/medium/yellowish/ honey/tanned/brown/dark brown and the list goes on…)
- Physical Appearance (You are physicality more attractive than her or not)
- Humor – (Can she crack high-level jokes or not, can she understand high-level flirting or not, and many other things)
- Spoken English – (Is her spoken English good/average/below average/bad/very bad)
- Education/Academic Statistics (Your academic statistics are better than her’s or not)
- Money/Wealth (here nothing much to say, you know what it means)
- Status (Is your social status higher than hers or not)
- Communication Skills (Are your communication skills better than hers or not)
- Self-confidence (You are more confident than her or not)
- Adventurous/Fun (You are more adventurous than her or not)
- Self-Beleive (If you believe in yourself or not)
- Seriousness (If you are serious about your future or not. If she thinks that you are very serious about your future, then she will always be afraid of losing you)
- Continuous Improvement/Creativeness (If you are creative enough, or continuously improving yourself. Then definitely she will always be afraid to lose you)]
Undeniably more men are hoping to get laid. That’s the problem too.
Millennial ladies will in general be narcissistic and feel entitled. The media and web feed the plan to them that they merit the fantasy fellow who is confident and assertive! It doesn’t help the number of frantic folks and simps who give these ladies approval via web-based media.
Narcissists just want one thing from you that is your reaction. They seek a constant supply of attention and admiration. So, don’t feed them. This is referred to as narcissist supply which also includes validation, reassurance, power, and control.
Must Read: How to destroy a woman’s ego?
Guys have to have at least equal educational status to the girls they want to date. Preferably women want a guy above them in educational status, influence and money, etc which is called Hypergamy (She only dates up) other things they need and follow are Solipsism (Her feelings are her reality) and Briffault’s Law (No value, no relationship) about which you can read below in detail.
Also Read: A Deep Dive Into “Every Single Girl’s Motivation” to Predict Her Behavior
Guys have to show alpha male traits and has to be rich, smart, funny, charasmatic.
That’s it for today guys if I missed something please let me know in the comments section below. Each comment counts.
Also Read: Where are all the good men/Why I can’t find a good man? Starter Pack

I am Vivek Singh owner and publisher of I am a journalist by profession. I did my Bachelor’s in Journalism and Mass Communication from Amity University Jharkhand and my Master’s in the same from Central University of Jharkhand grabbing the gold medal.
I am a Men’s Rights Activist, International Men’s Day and World Day of the Boy Child India coordinator, and Global Media coordinator for both of these days.
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