Cheating Wives: Hypocrisy Debunked (Sarcasm Cheating Meme Version)

Cheating Wives: Hypocrisy Debunked (Sarcasm Meme Version)

Women think that men cheat all the time but Cheating wives are common today in society. On one hand, when men are caught cheating they say we never met this woman but on the other hand when women are caught cheating. The woman starts crying and asks why he made her do this. It was … Read more



The era post World War II witnessed the demonization of the Nazi soldier archetype; the model of males concentrated on powerplay and violence capable of mass destruction. This was the instance where the equality of sexes and breaking of gender roles occurred as females took the roles of the males of their households, so as … Read more

Do Men or Women Cheat More?

Do Men or Women Cheat More?

Cheating is significantly more prevalent than you may realize. It would help if you didn’t absolve yourself of the responsibility for your past infidelity. This is not an extremely rare incident; many others have shared your situation. Nonetheless, how common is it? Is it anything to which we are genetically predisposed? Does one’s gender indicate … Read more